Thursday, July 25, 2019

1000s of Bones Uncovered Inside The Vatican

1000s of Bones Uncovered Inside The Vatican

You have likely come across this story in your newsfeed about 1000's of bones being found within the Vatican. 

It's not entirely clear at first what all the implications are of this as alone, it appears to be a fairly simple finding. But when you begin to bring in all of the links, it starts to paint a clearer picture.

This week on CETV, we cover this in a concise run-through of what the implications of this really is... as we all know, satanic practices and ritual child abuse is one aspect of humanities 'shadow' that is coming to the surface right now in a big way.

Some good news, you can now watch this segment and the 100's of hours of content on CETV via our brand new FREE TRIAL option that we just launched this week :) Many of you had been requesting a free trial to CETV... so we delivered and got one going.

One last thing, we're going to start linking each one of our podcast's and segments inside CETV to the CE Protocol so we can understand exactly why it's important and how it connects to shifting consciousness.

Ep 22. 1000's Of Bones Uncovered In The Vatican
Further to what I stated above, this story begins to put some pieces together that are a very important part of humanity facing the aspects of ourselves and our world that we wish to move beyond at a deeper level.

Simply put.. it's not going to serve us to run, hide and avoid this stuff.. it's going to be something we must face and process and while this particular story may not be so heavily linked to acts like pedophilia, satanic abuse etc, there is still plenty linked to the Vatican and other high-level individuals that we can discuss.

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