Thursday, December 31, 2020

Todos Ustedes Son Seres Multidimensionales - A través de Suzanne Lie

A través de Suzanne Lie

Queridos Arcturianos,
¿Tienes un mensaje para mí hoy?

Si Suzille,
Siempre tenemos un mensaje para ti, así como para cualquiera que nos pregunte. En otras palabras, siempre estamos disponibles para nuestros voluntarios que ayudan a Gaia. Nos gustaría hablar con usted hoy sobre el estado mental y el lugar del corazón que está permitiendo que lo dirija a través de su vida diaria.

Nos referimos a "Estado de la mente" como la frecuencia de la realidad a la que está calibrada su mente, y "Lugar del corazón" se refiere a dónde dirige sus regalos de amor. 

Sí, queridos míos, desde que se ofrecieron como voluntarios para tomar una nave terrestre durante este AHORA tan desafiante, hay muchos estados mentales que han experimentado porque se han estado moviendo a través del proceso de ascensión planetaria. 

Durante este AHORA, su  mente a  menudo se concentra en muchas situaciones diferentes a la vez, y su  corazón  puede cambiar a través de muchas emociones de la felicidad al miedo y, con suerte, volver a la dicha. Hemos venido a hablar con ustedes AHORA para felicitarlos a todos por sus esfuerzos por encontrar y vivir el "camino intermedio". 

El "camino intermedio" se descubre y se recorre durante el tiempo que pueda mantener un "estado mental" claro y abierto. Cuando viaja por el  camino intermedio , es mucho más fácil para usted mantener un estado mental claro y abierto  Además, cuando su estado de ánimo es claro y abierto, es mucho más fácil para usted vivir en el camino intermedio.

Su estado mental está determinado por su frecuencia de conciencia. Cuando su conciencia resuene a una frecuencia más alta, podrá identificar y viajar por su "Camino Medio". Si está molesto por algo, su estado mental será demasiado errático para que pueda encontrar, y mucho menos viajar, el camino intermedio. 

Este "camino intermedio", que definiremos como el "camino menos transitado", a menudo es difícil de encontrar y aún más difícil de recorrer constantemente. Para empezar, el "medio" sólo se puede determinar si puede percibir los lados de la carretera a su izquierda y a su derecha.

Se necesita un cierto  estado de ánimo  para darse una evaluación honesta de "los lados del camino" y, por lo tanto, del "medio del camino". Para encontrar ese centro tranquilo de ti mismo y, por lo tanto, de tu "camino por la vida", necesitas identificar los bordes más lejanos de los "lados del camino". 

Por supuesto, no estamos hablando de una carretera o un camino. Estamos usando los términos de "camino y camino" como metáfora de las elecciones de vida que haces con tus pensamientos y emociones. Usted podría tener  lo que  muchos pensaban y emociones, que se interrumpen entre sí y provocan una gran confusión en su conciencia y su cuerpo físico. 

Por otro lado, cuando tus emociones están tranquilas y aceptadas, puedes liberar tu mente para explorar nuevas ideas y conceptos que serían demasiado amenazantes cuando estás emocional y confundido.

Recuerde que las emociones y la confusión no son "malas". De hecho, tus emociones te dicen si estás viajando felizmente por tu camino o si estás perdido en una neblina de confusión. Si estás “viajando felizmente por tu camino”, entonces diviértete y ríndete al proceso.

Por otro lado, si realiza una “autoevaluación” y descubre que está centrado y amado, continúe con lo que está haciendo, pensando y experimentando. También se recomienda que centrar su auto, se centran en los mensajes que está recibiendo desde lo más profundo  dentro de  su corazón o alta  por encima de  su mente, y documentar cualquier mensaje que está recibiendo.

Cuando documentas tus mensajes, los arraigas profundamente en tu propia conciencia, así como dentro del cuerpo de Gaia. Es en lo profundo del Núcleo de su SER multidimensional que identificarán la frecuencia a la que están resonando actualmente. 

Si descubre que la frecuencia / dimensión con la que está resonando es la cuarta dimensión, le sugerimos que pida orientación para cualquier plan creativo o de servicio a otros que pueda estar considerando.

Descubrirás que estás resonando en la quinta dimensión, cuando todo tu cuerpo se siente como si estuviera lleno de luz. Incluso puede sentir su Fuerza Kundalini subiendo por su columna vertebral, así como una profunda sensación de Bienaventuranza y Amor Incondicional.

En este caso, le sugerimos que nos pida a nosotros, los Arcturianos y / o cualquier expresión superior de su SER con quien haya desarrollado una relación, que le enviemos un mensaje. Nuevamente, recuerde documentar su experiencia, ya que probablemente la olvidará cuando regrese a su conciencia tridimensional. 

Su conciencia de la tercera dimensión no resuena con la quinta dimensión. Por lo tanto, olvidará rápidamente su experiencia a menos que cree una copia impresa de eso AHORA. Recuerde, la quinta dimensión no resuena con el tiempo, sino que existe dentro del AQUÍ del AHORA. Por lo tanto, asegúrese de capturar este AHORA escribiendo, diciendo, dibujando, cantando y / o bailándolo para entrelazarlo y documentarlo en la tercera dimensión.

Sabemos que percibes que todas tus relaciones humanas están fuera de ti. Eso es correcto siempre que resuenen en la tercera dimensión. Sin embargo, si tú y la persona con quien te relacionas están en la cuarta dimensión, habrá una "diferencia de tiempo", tal como necesitarás contarte a ti mismo de tu sueño y / o meditación de la cuarta dimensión tan pronto como abre los ojos o puedes olvidarlo.

Mientras están en su realidad tridimensional, las personas perciben que otras personas o lugares están "fuera" de ellos. Sabes que son tridimensionales porque tienen un cuerpo físico y caminan sobre la Tierra, tal como tú lo haces. También hay  espacio  entre ustedes y todo cambia con el  tiempo Esto se debe a que la base del sistema operativo de tercera dimensión es el TIEMPO y el ESPACIO.

Tu yo cuatridimensional se revela dentro de ti o justo encima de ti. Estas percepciones cuatridimensionales a menudo ocurren cuando estás haciendo algo creativo, mientras duermes o cuando estás meditando. 

Es probable que percibas tu yo cuatridimensional como si te percibieras a ti mismo en un espejo, excepto que probablemente flotará justo sobre el suelo e incluso parecerá un poco translúcido.

Debido a que todos ustedes son Seres Multidimensionales, se han ofrecido como voluntarios para tomar una forma física con el fin de ayudar mejor con la Ascensión Planetaria. Desafortunadamente, la mayoría de nuestros valientes exploradores de la Tierra pronto olvidan su verdadero Cuerpo de Luz de quinta dimensión que usan mientras están en nuestras Naves de quinta dimensión o en su Mundo Natal. 

Es por esta razón que nosotros, los Arcturianos, así como los otros miembros de su Familia Galáctica, enviamos rápidamente mensajes a la conciencia de nuestros "escribas" que se han ofrecido como voluntarios para compartir estos mensajes dimensionales superiores de muchas maneras que mejor encajen en su personalidad y habilidades tridimensionales. 

Su "estado mental" está determinado por su "frecuencia de conciencia". Entonces, su frecuencia de conciencia dirigirá los pensamientos y mensajes a su mente y corazón, con suerte, para compartirlos con otros. 

Cuando mi estado resuena con ambición, miedo, ira o egoísmo, probablemente “colocará su corazón” en una situación, lugar, persona o concepto que es principalmente supervivencia, deseos y / o ambiciones tridimensionales. Experimentarás una realidad en la que eres una persona tridimensional "normal" que está trabajando duro para sobrevivir y prosperar en un mundo difícil. 

Sin embargo, cuando puedes elegir expandir tu estado de conciencia y, por lo tanto, tu elección de comportamiento y acciones, para incluir el servicio a los demás, la asistencia a Gaia y encontrar y compartir tu amor multidimensional innato y tu conciencia interdimensional, tu conciencia expandir para abarcar la quinta dimensión.

Su mente, particularmente su Tercer Ojo, así como su Corazón, especialmente su Corazón Superior, son dispositivos de comunicación interdimensionales. Todo ser humano tiene estos aspectos interdimensionales innatos de su cuerpo físico.

Desafortunadamente, muchos humanos no son conscientes de este hecho. No son, AÚN, conscientes de sus percepciones multidimensionales innatas que TODOS ustedes tienen, así como de su habilidad innata de sentir y compartir Amor Incondicional a través de su Corazón Superior.

Su Tercer Ojo, que está conectado a su Ceja / Sexto Chakra, lo ayudará a obtener el "Estado Mental", que es su quinta dimensión y más allá de la frecuencia de conciencia, así como sus percepciones dimensionales superiores de clarividencia: ver dimensiones superiores , clariaudiencia — escuchar dimensiones superiores y clarisensibilidad — sentir dimensiones superiores. 

Al principio, es posible que no esté consciente de estas percepciones superiores, pero comenzará a sentirse feliz, dichoso y concentrado. Este estado de conciencia te dirige a "poner tu corazón" en aquello que "amas con tu corazón y tu alma".

Esto puede parecer bastante simple, pero hemos visto lo difícil que puede ser para nuestros Voluntarios de la Tierra "encontrar el tiempo" para concentrarse en su propio Corazón y Alma. Lo que deseamos recordarles a todos es que enfocarse en su Corazón y Alma los pondrá en comunicación directa con sus propias expresiones dimensionales superiores de SER.

Todos ustedes son Seres Multidimensionales, y TODOS ustedes pueden tener una comunicación total y constante con su SER Dimensión Superior que resuena y vive dentro de las frecuencias más altas del SER Planetario multidimensional de Gaia. 

Sí,  todos  los habitantes de Gaia son multidimensionales y resuenan en la tercera, cuarta, quinta, sexta, séptima y mucho más allá de las frecuencias de la realidad. Como todos habéis experimentado, los retos de la vida diaria en la tercera dimensión suelen hacer que olvides este hecho.

Cuando los humanos olvidan ese hecho, comienzan a cambiar. El Amor Incondicional se reemplaza lentamente con Ansiedad Flotante, o incluso Miedo, y ellos, lenta o rápidamente, olvidan que son Seres de Luz Multidimensionales.

Nosotros, su Familia Galáctica, estamos enviando un mensaje amoroso a tantas personas que puedan recibirlo, documentarlo y compartirlo con otros. Sin embargo, más humanos viven sus vidas en las garras del miedo, en lugar de la dicha del Amor Incondicional.

Es por esta razón que hemos decidido que debemos comenzar nuestros "aterrizajes". Sin embargo, por la seguridad de los que están en tierra, debemos mantener nuestras Naves en la cuarta y quinta dimensión superior, para que los oscuros no los perciban y comiencen otra GUERRA en la amada Tierra.

Ya, y todavía, hay guerras en todo su planeta con el propósito del alma de hacer aún más ricos a los ricos. Hombres y mujeres inocentes, que piensan que están sirviendo a su país, no saben que solo el oscuro, las petroleras y los extremadamente ricos se benefician de su combate.

Sin embargo, aquellos que van a la guerra con la intención de proteger a su país y ayudar a otros SÍ reciben el impulso kármico por TODAS sus valientes acciones y pensamientos heroicos. Nosotros, su Familia Galáctica, ayudamos a estos valientes cuando regresan al Hogar a sus vidas tridimensionales, o al Hogar de sus Seres Superiores. 

AHORA deseamos hablar por su heroico planeta Gaia. Ella también “regresará a CASA” a Su verdadero SER Planetario Multidimensional  Sí, los planetas son seres vivos, de la misma manera que toda la vida en, arriba y en el planeta está VIVA.  

Fue el complot más siniestro de los oscuros para "lavar el cerebro" a los humanos, que estaban destinados a ser los "Guardianes del Planeta", para que creyeran que la querida Gaia era "solo una cosa". De hecho, los oscuros han creado muchas acciones siniestras contra el cuerpo de Gaia en su intento de mantener a la humanidad  constantemente asustada y victimizada .

Dentro de las áreas superiores de la cuarta y quinta dimensión de Gaia, la humanidad vive en Paz Total y Amor Incondicional. Sin embargo, hasta que la humanidad sea capaz de expandir su conciencia hacia las octavas superiores de la cuarta y quinta dimensión de la realidad, estarán bajo el lavado de cerebro y la ilusión de los oscuros.

Nosotros, los Arcturianos, deseamos decirles a todos ustedes en este AHORA, que cada vez más humanos están despertando y expandiendo su conciencia y su “estado mental” hacia frecuencias cada vez más altas de la realidad. 

A medida que expanden su conciencia para abarcar estas frecuencias más altas de la realidad, obtendrán "poder sobre" los oscuros, en lugar de que los oscuros tengan "poder sobre ellos". Además, a medida que la humanidad comienza la “ascensión de su conciencia” hacia frecuencias cada vez más altas de la realidad, está compartiendo sus experiencias con otros.

Así como los primeros pioneros salieron al desierto y regresaron para contarles a otros sobre la "nueva tierra", los humanos que son "pioneros interdimensionales" están regresando a sus vidas tridimensionales "normales" para compartir lo que han experimentado. 

Por esta razón, les pedimos a cada uno de ustedes que haya vivido una experiencia “interdimensional” y / o multidimensional que por favor comparta sus experiencias en la sección de comentarios de este blog.

Suzille ha hablado con muchas personas que han tenido muchas experiencias. Sin embargo, para muchas personas es difícil encontrar a alguien con quien compartir sus experiencias. Por lo tanto, los invitamos a todos a compartir cualquier “experiencia interdimensional, avistamiento de nuestros barcos o comunicaciones de dimensiones superiores que hayan experimentado.

Antes de compartir su experiencia, tómese un momento para concentrarse en elevar y sincronizar su conciencia con Gaia. De esta manera, todos trabajarán como UNO para ayudar a Gaia y a TODOS Sus habitantes a expandirse hacia la quinta dimensión y más allá de las frecuencias de la realidad.

Estas frecuencias más altas de la realidad SIEMPRE han rodeado a Gaia, pero la humanidad estaba tan comprometida por las oscuras acciones de los Perdidos, que solo unos pocos avatares valientes pudieron "ascender" a las frecuencias más altas para ayudar a Gaia y TODAS sus formas de vida. .
AHORA estás en la cúspide de ser uno de esos valientes, "Avatares de Gaia". Por favor recuerde que la Conciencia de Unidad con “TODA la vida” incluye la vida muy arriba, en la superficie y en el Núcleo de la Tierra.

Somos los Arcturianos

You are All Multidimensional Beings - Through Suzanne Lie


Through Suzanne Lie

Dear Arcturians,
Do you have a message for me today?

Yes Suzille,
We always have a message for you, as well as for anyone who will ask us. In other words, we are always available to our volunteers who assist Gaia. We would like to talk with you today about the State of Mind and Place of Heart the you are allowing to direct you through your daily life.

We refer to “State of Mind” as the frequency of reality to which your mind is calibrated, and “Place of Heart” refers to where you direct your gifts of love. 

Yes, dear grounded ones, since you volunteered to take an earth vessel during this very challenging NOW, there are many states of mind that you have experienced because you have been moving through the process of planetary ascension. 

During this NOW, your mind is often focused on many different situations at once, and your heart can shift through many emotions from bliss to fear, and hopefully back to bliss. We have come to speak with you NOW to commend you all for your efforts to find, and live, the “middle path.” 

The “middle path” is discovered and traveled for as long as you can keep a clear and open “state of mind.” When you travel the middle road, it is much easier for you to maintain a clear and open state of mind. Furthermore, when your state of mind is clear and open, it is much easier for you to live within the middle road.

Your state of mind is determined by your frequency of consciousness. When your consciousness resonates to a higher frequency, you will be able to identity and travel your “Middle Road.” If you are upset about something, your state of mind will be too erratic for you to find, much less travel, the middle road. 

This “middle road,” which we will define as the “path less traveled” is often difficult to find, and even more challenging to consistently travel. For starters, the "middle” can only be determined if you can perceive the sides of the road to your left and to your right.

It takes a certain state of mind to give yourself an honest assessment of “the sides of the road” and thus the “middle of the road.” To find that calm center of your self, and thus of your “road through life,” you need to identify the furthest edges of the “sides of the road.” 

Of course, we are not speaking of a highway or a path. We are using the terms of “path and road” as a metaphor for the life choices that you make with your thoughts and emotions. You could have so many thought and emotions, that they interrupt each other and cause great confusion in your consciousness and your physical body. 

On the other hand, when your emotions are calm and accepting, you can free your mind to explore new ideas and concepts that would be too threatening when you are emotional and confused.

Please remember that emotions and confusion are not “bad.” In fact, your emotions tell you if you are happily traveling your path, or if you are lost in a haze of confusion. If you are “happily traveling your path,” then enjoy yourself and surrender to the process.

On the other hand, if you make a “self assessment” and discover that you are centered and loving, please continue what you are doing, thinking and experiencing. We also recommend that you center your self, focus on any messages that you are receiving from deep within your heart or high above your mind, and document any messages you are receiving.

When you document your messages, you deeply ground them in your own consciousness, as well as within the body of Gaia. It is deep within the Core of your Multidimensional SELF that you will identify the frequency to which you are currently resonating. 

If you discover the frequency/dimension to which you are resonating is the fourth dimension, we suggest that you ask for guidance for any creative or service to others plans you may be considering.

You will discover that you are resonating the fifth dimension, when you entire body feels as if it is filled with light. You may even feel your Kundalini Force moving up your spinal column, as well as a deep sensation of Bliss and Unconditional Love.

In this case, we suggest that you ask us, the Arcturians, and/or any higher expressions of your SELF with whom you have developed a relationship, to send you a message. Again, remember to document your experience, as you will likely forget it as you return to your third dimensional consciousness. 

Your third dimensional consciousness does not resonate to the fifth dimension. Thus it will quickly forget your experience unless you create a hard copy of that NOW. Remember, the fifth dimension does not resonate to time, but exists within the HERE of the NOW. Therefore, be sure to capture this NOW by writing, saying, drawing, singing and/or dancing it to intertwine and document it in the third dimension.

We know that you perceive all your human relationships to be outside of you. That is correct as long as you are resonating to the third dimension. However, if you and the one with whom you are relating, are in the fourth dimension, there will be a “time difference,” such as you will need to tell your self of your fourth dimensional dream and/or meditation as soon as you open your eyes, or you may forget it.

While in your third dimensional reality, people perceive other persons or places to be “outside” of them. You know they are third dimensional as they have a physical body and walk on the Earth, just as you do. There is also space between you, and everything changes over time. This is because the basis of the Third Dimensional Operating System is TIME and SPACE.

Your fourth dimensional self is revealed as inside of you or just above you. These fourth dimensional perceptions often occur when you are doing something creative, during your sleep, or when you are meditating. 

You will likely perceive your fourth dimensional self as being much like you would perceive yourself in a mirror, except that it will likely float just above the ground and even appear to be a bit translucent.

Because you are all Multidimensional Beings, you have volunteered to take a physical form in order to better assist with Planetary Ascension. Unfortunately, most of our brave scouts to Earth soon forget their true, fifth dimensional Lightbody that they wear while on our fifth dimensional Ships or on their Homeworld. 

It is for this reason that we, the Arcturians, as well as the other members of your Galactic Family, readily send messages into the consciousness of our “scribes” who have volunteered to share these higher dimensional messages in any many ways that best fit into their third dimensional personality and skills. 

Your “state of mind” is determined by your “frequency of consciousness.” Then, your frequency of consciousness will direct thoughts and messages into your mind and heart, hopefully, to be shared with others. 

When your state of mine is resonating to ambition, fear, anger or selfishness, you will likely “place your heart” onto a situation, place, person or concept that is primarily third dimensional survival, desires, and/or ambitions. You will experience a reality in which you are a “normal” third dimensional person who is working hard to survive and prosper in a difficult world. 

However, when you can choose to expand your state of consciousness, and thus your choice of behavior and actions, to include, service to others, assistance to Gaia, and finding and sharing your innate multidimensional love and inter-dimensional consciousness, your consciousness will expand to encompass fifth dimension.

Your mind, particularly your Third Eye, as well as your Heart, especially your High Heart, are both inter-dimensional communication devices. Every human has these, innate inter-dimensional aspects of their physical body.

Unfortunately, many humans are not aware of this fact. They are not, YET, aware of their innate multidimensional perceptions that EVERY one of you have, as well as their innate ability to feel and share Unconditional Love through their High Heart.

Your Third Eye, which is connected to your Brow/ Sixth Chakra, will assist you to gain the “State of Mind,” which is your fifth dimensional and beyond frequency of consciousness, as well as your higher dimensional perceptions of clairvoyance—seeing higher dimensions, clairaudience—hearing higher dimensions and clairsentience—sensing higher dimensions. 

At first, you may not be consciously aware of these higher perceptions, but you will begin to feel happy, blissful and focused. This state of consciousness directs you to “place your heart” on that which you “love with your Heart and Soul.”

This may seem quite simple, but we have seen how difficult it can be for our Earth Volunteers to “find the time” to focus on their own Heart and Soul. What we wish to remind you all is that focusing on your Heart and Soul will place you in direct communicate with your own higher dimensional expressions of SELF.

You are ALL Multidimensional Beings, and ALL of you can have total and constant communication with your Higher Dimensional SELF that resonates to, and lives within, the higher frequencies of Gaia’s multidimensional Planetary SELF. 

Yes, all the inhabitants of Gaia are multidimensional, and resonate to third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and far beyond, frequencies of reality. As you have all experienced, the challenges of daily life in the third dimension usually make you forget this fact.

When humans forget that fact, they begin to change. Unconditional Love slowly gets replaced with Floating Anxiety, or even Fear, and they slowly or quickly, forget that they are Multidimensional Beings of Light.

We, your Galactic Family, are sending loving message to as many people who can receive, document and share them with others. However, more humans live their lives in the grips of fear, rather than the bliss of Unconditional Love.

It is for this reason that we have decided that we must begin our “landings.” However, for the safety of our grounded ones, we must keep our Ships in the higher fourth and fifth dimension, so that the dark ones do not perceive them and begin yet another WAR on beloved Earth.

Already, and still, there are wars all over your planet for the soul purpose of making the wealthy even richer. Innocent men and women, who think they are serving their country, are not aware it is only the dark one, the oil companies, and the extremely rich who benefit from their combat.

However, those who go to war with the intension of protecting their country and assisting others DO receive the karmic boost for ALL their brave actions and heroic thoughts. We, your Galactic Family, assist these brave ones when they return Home to their third dimensional lives, or Home to their Higher Selves. 

We NOW wish to speak for your heroic planet Gaia. She, too, will “return HOME” to Her true, Multidimensional Planetary SELF. Yes, Planets are living beings, in the same manner that all the life on, above, and in the planet is ALIVE. 

It was the most sinister plot of the dark ones to “brainwash” the humans, who were meant to be the “Caretakers of the Planet,” into believing that dear Gaia was “just a thing.” In fact, the dark ones have created many sinister actions against the body of Gaia in their attempt to keep humanity constantly afraid and victimized.

Within the higher fourth and fifth dimensional areas of Gaia, humanity lives in Total Peace and Unconditional Love. However, until humanity is able to expand their consciousness into the higher fourth and fifth dimensional octaves of reality, they are under the brainwashing and illusion of the dark ones.

We, the Arcturians, wish to say to you all within this NOW, that more and more humans are awakening and expanding their consciousness and their “state of mind” into higher and higher frequencies of reality. 

As they expand their consciousness to encompass these higher frequencies of reality, they will gain “power over” the dark ones, rather than the dark ones having “power over” them. Furthermore, as humanity begins the “ascension of their consciousness” into higher and higher frequencies of reality, they are sharing their experiences with others.

Just as the early pioneers went out into the wilderness, and came back to tell others of the “new land,” humans who are “inter-dimensional pioneers” are returning to their “normal” third dimensional lives to share what they have experienced. 

For this reason, we ask each of you who have experienced an “inter-dimensional” and/or a “multidimensional experience” to please share your experiences in the comments section of this blog.

Suzille has talked to many people who have had many experiences. However, for many people it is difficult to find someone with whom they can share their experiences. Therefore, we invite all of you to share any “inter-dimensions experiences, sightings of our Ships, or higher dimensional communications you have experienced.

Before you share your experience, take a long moment to focus on raising and synchronizing your consciousness with Gaia. In this manner, you will all work as ONE to assist Gaia, and ALL Her inhabitants to expand into the fifth dimensional and beyond frequencies of reality.

These higher frequencies of reality have ALWAYS surrounded Gaia, but humanity was so compromised by the dark deeds of the Lost Ones, that only a few brave avatars were able to “ascend” into the higher frequencies in order to assist Gaia and ALL Her life forms.
YOU are NOW on the cusp of being one of those brave, “Avatars for Gaia.” Please remember that Unity Consciousness with “ALL life” includes the life far above, on the surface and in the Core of Earth.

WE are the Arcturians

NATURAL NEWS - Something huge will be unveiled on Jan. 6th

Natural News Anular suscripción

15:15 (hace 36 minutos)
Something huge will be unveiled on Jan. 6th
Mike Adams

It's going to be a game-changer. Trump's team is set to unveil something huge on January 6th that they believe will change the outcome of the votes of Congress as they decide which slate of electors to accept.

With Lin Wood now confirming that Jeffrey Epstein is alive, and with Trump quietly signing a one-year extension of a powerful executive order on human trafficking, something massive is going to be unveiled in the next week, it seems, that could change the course of history.

I cover all the details in today's Situation Update, which is only 21 minutes in length due to the holiday.

See the full details and hear the podcast here.

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"Dozens" of House members to challenge Electoral College results on Jan. 6
Now that they are finished stealing trillions of American tax dollars and sending it as foreign aid to places like Israel and Pakistan - all the while allotting you a measly $600 for Wuhan ...

California restaurant owner confronts health inspectors over closure order
A California restaurant owner went viral after he confronted public health inspectors who issued him a citation for allegedly breaking coronavirus restrictions. In a video shared on Twitter by a ...

Oxford-AstraZeneca's Covid-19 vaccine experiment is tied to eugenics-linked institutions
A closer look at the developers behind the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine reveals previously undisclosed ties with eugenics-linked institutions such as the British Eugenics Society, the ...

In Christmas address, Pope Francis says everyone should get a Trump vaccine
Rather than emphasize the birth of the Savior, Pope Francis delivered a Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) Christmas address centered around communism and mass ...

5,500-page Covid relief bill could criminalize sharing memes online
As much of the talk about the Covid relief bill focuses on the amount of money that Americans will receive in their stimulus checks, digital rights campaigners are sounding alarm bells about ...

New York healthcare network under investigation for fraudulently distributing Covid-19 vaccines
Health officials in New York State are looking into whether a health network based in Brooklyn obtained and distributed Moderna's Covid-19 vaccine fraudulently. New York State Health Department ...

Former Senate candidate calls on Trump to form military tribunal to look into foreign election interference
The recent presidential election was problematic in so many ways that it's hard to know where to begin,  but foreign meddling is certainly one of the top concerns. Now, a former South Carolina ...

Former FBI official admits to taking bribes and falsifying tax returns
A former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) official has pleaded guilty to receiving bribes and falsifying tax returns. U.S. Attorney Bart M. Davis announced on Monday, Dec. 14, that James ...

Hesitations against coronavirus vaccination widespread - even in the medical field
A large percentage of the population, including medical professionals, still have doubts over the Wuhan coronavirus vaccine. The hesitation stems from safety and efficacy concerns regarding ...

Nicotine vs. Dopamine - The chemical messenger war and why people who try to quit nicotine keep failing
Over 95 percent of people who quit nicotine without help return to the habit within 6 months. How could that be, when the true nicotine physical addiction wears off after just 3 to 4 days? It ...

Health Ministry gives Israelis "free movement" waivers to convince them to take rushed coronavirus vaccine
It looks like Americans aren't the only ones being forced to take "rushed" coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines. Israel's Ministry of Health has announced that citizens who take ...

Chinese journalist jailed for 4 years for speaking the truth about coronavirus pandemic
When the coronavirus crisis emerged in Wuhan, journalists were on the scene reporting on the crisis as hospitals overflowed with patients and authorities tried to manage the situation. Shanghai ...

U.S. blacklists dozens of Chinese firms to protect national security
On Dec. 18, dozens of Chinese companies were blacklisted by the U.S. government in an effort to safeguard national security. Among the companies barred from exporting U.S. technologies without a ...

Governments struggle to convince public rushed coronavirus vaccines are safe as confidence continues to drop
Governments around the world face tough opposition to get their citizens immunized as safety concerns over the coronavirus vaccines surge, fueled by the speed of testing, the vaccines' side ...

Elon Musk moves to Texas after friction with California lawmakers over coronavirus lockdowns
Tesla magnate Elon Musk announced on Tuesday, Dec. 8, that he has moved to Texas, according to The Daily Mail. Musk, is one of the highest-profile ...