Greetings Openhanders,
Too many people begin their day without a clear direction, meaning or purpose. And so they get battered by events, without taking from them the real value and meaning. Let that not happen to you! I find it pays to constantly reattune the reason why
I'm approaching any given day in the Shift. What can I gain from it?
I encourage you to do the same, because it leads to a destined life of fulfillment.
Let's explore.
Life of Meaning in the 5D Shift
Lead Article Exploring Purpose, Destiny & Mission in the 5D Shift
Discover What You Can Gain By Accessing The "Dreamspace"
See How Creatures Can Provide Reflections of Meaning & Purpose
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Meaning, Purpose & Destiny
Dear Openhanders, it's utterly essential we have a clear understanding of what can be gained from any given day - why do you end up doing the things you do? Without a clear understanding of this, we can easily get blown this way and that, without gaining the real prize from what's available.
What about goals, agendas and intentions? What about the flow? Plenty speak of "Being in the Flow". But which flow, and what does that actually mean?
The fractal that is you, which is your aspect of the natural Flower of Life, is yearning to express and actualise the next best version of itself. I say to you the whole Universe, (that isn't in some confused fractal of misdirection of resistance), is working in this way.
In the aligned dynamic, goals and visions will occur naturally - they'll come to you. Whether it's a new place to live, or how to work and create. It's essential to work toward these, because they came to you for a reason. But since the flow is constantly shifting, you may not know exactly what the outcome looks like until it lands.
It's essential to realise this, in order to find fulfillment without attachment.
To be clear, things are meant to actualise for you, around you. It's essential not to go into "non-attached" avoidance either. How to get the balance?
You lean into what presents. You apply all your faculties in the persuit. The authentic being will be seeking out new aspects of soul-gold to bring to bear. What can you dig up from the river bed as the water is flowing?
You forge through. Surge through. The outcome happens. But actually, you realise that exactly what it looks like no longer matters so much. It's what you've gained in the process that does. You feel more complete, more whole, more resilient, more energised.
Celebrate the outcome then. Not becasue of what it looks like,
but because of what you feel like.
Now you're winning. You're becoming a player in the infinite game. You know your meaning, purpose and orientation on any given day. Now, you can always win.
Give it a try!
Latest Openhand Video
Our new mini doumentary, from the mystical volcanic Island of La Palma, is purposefully crafted to inspire your journey in the Shift
Gaia Exchanges with Avalonia: What does it mean for You?
Meaning & Purpose

Dear Openhanders, the great blessing of the shortened Ascension timeline, expressed in our latest documentary from La Palma, is that we're invited to be crystal clear on what our real purpose in life is.
How many stop to consider it? If you're tuning into Openhand, I know you do!
However, it's all too easy to lose sight of it, in the various machinations of the Simulation. And our perspective will always evolve over time. That's the great value of tuning in with each other, within Openhand's groundbreaking commitment of transformation.
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