Wednesday, February 19, 2025



history-of-humanity-duality-in-interstate-relationsHello, my dear beloved children!

Today we will continue our conversation about duality and talk about how it manifests itself in interstate relations.

In fact, it was the duality that underlies the three-dimensional matrix that allowed the Dracoreptilians to manipulate the consciousness of entire nations, pitting different countries and religious denominations against each other.

This is how all kinds of wars and various conflicts arose, taking the lives of millions of people both on the battlefield and in peaceful life, morally and physically destroying them, driving them into poverty and hopelessness as a result of economic and financial crises.

All this you can see today all over the world and even in a more cynical form than before.

A striking example of this is the fratricidal war within the united Slavic people of Russia and Ukraine, which was unleashed by the deep state with the aim of mass destruction of the descendants of the Rus, who carry within themselves the spiritual principle on planet Earth.

At the same time, the economy, culture and traditions of European countries are being destroyed, in which many pure human souls also live, capable of preserving universal moral values ​​and their national cultural traditions.

Thus, a triple pitting of the intelligent part of the Earth's population against each other took place, since the official media belonging to the deep state have been aimed at provoking hatred towards Russia in all European countries in recent years.

As you can see, the “handwriting” of the deep state is seen here most clearly and vividly, and their “rule” is manifested through “division” by means of the mass dissemination of false information, which already covers dozens of countries around the world.

But now, with the coming to power of a new government in the United States of America, changes will begin to take place aimed at destroying the “Divide and Conquer” program, which is destructive to human consciousness.

And “ironically,” but in fact based on Divine expediency, these changes come from the “lair” of the deep state, since it was in the USA that power was in the hands of its representatives for decades.

And it was from there that it spread further, systematically destroying all the rebellious leaders of the countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America by organizing color revolutions and coups d'état in these countries.

In their place came obedient puppets of the deep state, who did not dare to take a single step without the permission of their masters, since they were completely dependent on them.

There was no place for honest and decent people in a government that was based on complete submission to the globalists and was built on threats and blackmail.

And only now, gradually, layer by layer, this picture hidden from human eyes will begin to emerge, revealing the monstrous crimes of the protégés of the deep state, as a result of which the pyramid of power on Earth that they have been building for centuries will begin to collapse like a house of cards.

That's where we'll stop today.

The Father-Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you

Accepted by Marta on February 15, 2025

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