Today I would like to finish talking about the causal body and tell you about another of its features.
And this is what it consists of.
Despite the fact that this body has quite high vibrations, sometimes it also contains a certain set of cliches and stereotypes.
But they are already of a slightly different nature. Perhaps they can be called "spiritual stereotypes".
These include religious dogmas, philosophical teachings, moral principles – in a word, everything that concerns the moral side of human life.
But this does not stop them from being stereotypes, since they drive a person’s consciousness into certain narrow boundaries, not allowing it to rise to a new, higher level.
Why is this happening?
As a rule, a person begins his spiritual development, starting from the teachings of famous philosophers, religious figures, historians, esotericists, in whom he finds clearly formed concepts and attitudes.
And if these are names that are well-known and respected in society, then he believes them unconditionally, accepting everything as the ultimate truth.
If he is particularly interested in something, he begins to look for other literature on this topic, subconsciously trying to find even more evidence for the theory he likes.
And gradually he himself becomes a follower and disseminator of this or that teaching.
This is the path of almost every person who wants to break free from the confines of material life and find a higher – spiritual – meaning to their existence.
But here's what you need to remember, my dears.
All spiritual teachings, unless they were received directly from the Higher Powers, are created by people, and therefore have a subjective nature and involuntarily bear the imprint of a person’s personality, his mentality, and his level of spirituality.
And his thoughts and conclusions, picked up and repeated many times by other people, over time also turn into stereotypes and patterns, which are deposited in the causal bodies of his followers.
And now I will give you some advice on how to avoid dependence on other people’s opinions and move forward independently.
First . Remember the expression “You shall not make yourself an idol”?
It contains the deepest meaning, because it is the “idol” that can make you spiritual slaves, incapable of thinking independently.
And blind faith in something or someone gives rise to fanaticism in all its manifestations.
Remember how much blood was shed for “religious beliefs”, how many wars were unleashed “in the name of God”, and therefore how many religious “cliches” were deposited in the causal bodies of people...
Therefore, always avoid fanatical people, no matter what slogans they hide behind.
Second . Believe in yourself, your Soul, your heart!
"Converse" with them more often. Raise from the depths of your memory the true Divine knowledge that lives in each of you.
Don't try to embrace the ungraspable. Being an erudite, stuffed with spiritual knowledge, does not mean being a spiritual person.
It is possible, without reading a single book, to radiate such wisdom and such boundless Love that would be enough for a hundred well-read people, because inside you there is all the knowledge that is just waiting for you to discover it and bring it to the surface from the depths of your heart.
And these are not just beautiful words, my dears.
Observe people, nature, flora and fauna!
Draw your own conclusions, listening more to your inner voice and not to what others tell you, often trying to impose their vision of the world.
And lastly , never argue with anyone, defending your opinion until you are hoarse.
Let other people have theirs, which may well be no less valuable, even though it does not coincide with yours.
Listen to it: perhaps it will allow you to open up new horizons and thus avoid your own stereotypes, which will settle in your causal body.
Try to find a golden mean in everything, which will allow you to organically combine someone else’s and your own experience, and always remember that the development of your Soul and the expansion of your Consciousness are truly UNLIMITED!
Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, spoke to you
Accepted by Marta on February 20, 2018
Источник: https://vozrojdeniesveta.com/nashe-sovmestnoe-voznesenie-shablony-i/#ixzz91AvdH0qH
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