
Dear Ones,
I am Sananda and I am very happy to speak to my Brothers and Sisters on the important topic related to your planet.
Today, I am going to continue to present undesired information. Humanity still continues to give credit to the ones, who represent the Darkness. The selected individuals usually appear from nowhere and receive endless amount of funds. Also, they pretend to be the good guys. Their missions are usually to fool and distract mankind from moving forward by evolving into higher vibrations and ascending to the 5th dimension. Meantime, they try to for fulfill their tasks by keep destroying the world around you without even letting you know about it, and kill as many humans as they can with experimental drugs, tests and etc.
Their main goal is to continue to accumulate wealth and power by stealing it from the human population. Human beings still think that Elon Musk serves the Light, that is not true at all. It’s a mirage that humans refuse to see the obvious truth in front of their eyes. He only serves Darkness and himself. He is originally from a Dark Galactic Civilization, which removed him from their world, as he was too weak and not smart enough to function in their society, basically viewed as a defect. They took and dumped him on a planet, where other rejected ones from the Negative Civilizations were taken. The Galactic Dark Ones usually do not kill their weak ones, as there is no satisfaction in it and it makes them look weak.
They also actually do not like eliminating their own, as these are advance civilizations that used to be positive. Eventually all of those Negative Souls were moved and dropped off on Earth, and now many of them control humans and their planet. Elon Musk is supposedly the richest person in your reality, if he really serves the Light, then he must have by now helped the poor, by donating a lot of money, not at all. He did donated over 7 billions worth of shares of Tesla stock to the Musk Foundation, this saved for him 2 billions dollars in taxes. Whatever amount of money or grants he actually did give all of it to benefit him or his business interests.
Musk actually has much less wealth, than it’s being presented as the Negative Ones lie about everything. He also did not earn or make most of the money he has, the Dark Ones gave most of the funds to him and taught him on how to take over businesses and steal their money like from the Tesla company. Elon Musk is not the richest person on this planet either, the ones with the most wealth live in Middle East, in Kuwait. Their currency is the most valuable in the world more than American dollar, British pound, European euro or any other country. Starlink will not be part of disclosure or play any role in the Ascension Process, as it serves Darkness.
His SpaceX rockets & satellites are just basically damaging the atmosphere of Gaia and trashing the space around your planet. As these rockets & satellites are primitive & poorly made that explode and fall apart easily, which then Ashtar Command & the Galactic Light Forces have to remove or destroy them, before they fall on humans on the surface of Mother Earth. Musk’s satellites are supposedly launched in space to provide Starlink internet service, there are only about 4.6 million humans using his service around the globe, there is no reason to have close to 7,000 satellites in space to provide internet service, for such a small number of people compared to the whole population.
He wants to have over 34,000 of them in the future, they are mostly used to spy on humans. Elon Musk launches rockets into outer space hoping to go to another planet and continue to spread this slavery system of money and the 3D Matrix, it’s not going to be allowed. His Tesla electric cars are basically just poisoning human beings with their toxic batteries, every second they spent inside those vehicles. These electric batteries are also unstable and can explode any moment burning the whole car. His NeuraLink company has a 8 feet tall robot, who drills a hole in the human brain, and then an implant is put in with many skinny wires.
It supposed to help humans with paralysis control devices and computers with their brain, it doesn’t work at all. He also promises to restore mobility in human beings, who lost it in any part of their body, like walking. Putting a chip in your brain is not going to make you walk again, that’s not possible with a 3D body, the nerve or muscle needs to be repaired or restored. If you do silent meditations & establish a strong connection with the Universal Consciousness, you will be able to walk again, either the body will be healed completely or you will just walk and move your body through your Light body, which does not require human strength from muscles or nerves to function.
He put this NeuraLink into 3 humans, all of them left their body from the pain, which he is hiding from the public. The person, who supposedly was the first one moving the mouse with his brain in the video, was not the real one, it was staged. The human brain is too sensitive to have a hole drilled and put an implant in with many wires inside. The real reason Musk is doing this is to create a brain chip to control humanity for Darkness. Ashtar is monitoring the situation and making sure, that he is not going to be successful with it. Also, Trump fired the government official, who was investigating Musk’s NeuraLink company for animal abuse & cruelty, as this was first tested on pigs, monkeys and other animals, none of them survived.
Also, recently Elon Musk’s DOGE fired more federal workers who were investigating his company. Elon Musk took over Twitter & let go most of the workers there, changed the name & the light blue background of the logo to X and a black color background. He also even wears Donald Trump’s MAGA hat in black, which usually is seen in a red color. Musk likes wearing black clothes, why? The Dark Ones love the black color, as it represents Evil for them. He doesn’t care about free speech, it’s all about him being worshipped by humans, as soon as the Negative Ones gave him a lot of money, his ego became huge and acted like he made this wealth on his own.
He does not care about Donald Trump either, he just using him. Elon Musk only endorsed Trump, when he got shot, as he believed, he had a very good chance of winning the presidential election of the United States after that negative event happened, and this was a big chance for him to get power in the American government, which is exactly on what Musk got with DOGE. He doesn’t really care about finding corruption in the federal government, it’s all about power he is getting, as he has his hands in many agencies. He is around Trump all of time, in the White House, meeting with world leaders and even appearing in interviews on the news together with President Trump.
His employees are doing most of the work, and there is nothing extraordinary his DOGE does, anyone who has experience with payment systems, can do this. Also, Elon Musk on Inauguration Day of Donald Trump officially becoming the president of the United States, he did two Nazi salutes. The Hitler’s salute is even banned in Germany. He posed on American Time magazine cover sitting behind the desk representing the Oval Office in the White House, looking like he is the president of the America. Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India came to see Donald Trump, and Elon Musk met with Modi without Trump knowing about it, as he is only interested in his agenda.
He is trying to enter the Indian car market with his Tesla cars. He also wore a satanic costume on Halloween called the Devil’s Champion. The Dark Ones are tolerating Elon Musk’s interference with some of their negative agendas, because of his thirst for power, since he still is mostly serving them. Once he becomes completely useless for them, they will take back all of their money from him and eliminate him. Dear Ones, disclosure means knowing the Real Truth, on what is really happening in your 3D reality. This is why we, Light Beings are going to continue to expose the hidden truth. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces. Please, accept my Supreme Love.
Don’t be fooled by False Lights
Channeled by ErenaVelazquez
Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces
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