The Power of Your Focus
When you realize how powerful you really are,
and when you recognize that your power
lies within you right now,
right here in this present moment,
that is when you truly begin to create
your reality, consciously.
Your power lives in your ability to focus.
And the things you focus on
create vibrations
within you.
You are accessing and activating vibrations
all the time, consciously or not.
The power is already there, within you, firing away.
And you take control of your power when you
acknowledge you have it.
You have the freedom to choose
what you pay attention to,
where you place your attention,
and what you focus on,
inside and outside.
Give yourself some time to stop
and feel into what really
matters to you.
Consider this deeply,
with curiosity and authenticity,
and see for yourself what you discover.
and feel into what really matters to you.
By focusing and feeling within,
you activate your energetic field
and discover it’s there,
by feeling it.
Notice what you are focusing on,
and how it feels.
You have the choice, the freedom and the power
at any given moment, to shift your focus,
which will automatically shift
the vibrations of your
energetic field.
If you don’t want to vibrate at the frequency
of the chaos of the world, you have a choice.
You can redirect your attention.
By redirecting your focus for instance,
to feeling your body and consciously breathing,
and to feeling one of your many inner resources,
such as peace, patience, compassion, or joy,
you will realize that you can and do
have the power to influence
and create your experience,
right now.
Notice how you feel
as you redirect your focus to Mother Earth
and all her beauty and abundance.
Explore for yourself what happens
as you more consciously use
your power to focus.
For example,
feel into activating
the inner resource of appreciation;
ask yourself,
“What do I appreciate right now?”
Take a moment to notice what comes up,
and how that feels.
This alone can absolutely change
the way you experience your life,
because you will vibrate
at the frequency of appreciation,
which is filled with beauty,
joy and love.
You always get to choose
what you focus on in the present moment.
And what you focus on influences what
you feel and the energetic field
around you.
You choose what, and who you listen to,
what you watch, what you bring
and allow into your mind.
And what you listen to
inside your head.
Not by rejecting anything that is going on,
or by accepting, or making yourself wrong,
just by shifting your attention.
This present moment is always here,
always offering the opportunity
to redirect your focus and activate
the vibrations you want to experience.
This is claiming your power.
As we access and activate these
higher frequency vibrations for ourselves,
we also do this for others around us,
and for the world.
We all want to feel good
and be happy.
And it’s a wonderful adventure!
You can acknowledge you have
great unexplored potential within you.
Be patient with yourself,
and also persevere.
It’s so worth it!
Discover how much you can influence your reality
by shifting your attention and your focus,
and how you create your future.
Each little step matters,
each moment can make
a big difference.
Discover how powerful you really are.
You are creating your future
by living it right now.
Listen to “The Power of Your Focus” by Bhavani
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