Wednesday, February 19, 2025

HISTORY OF HUMANITY (THE APOGEE OF DUALITY) February 20, 2025 Father Absolute


history-of-humanity-apex-of-dualityHello, my dear beloved children!

Today we will continue our conversation about duality in interstate relations.

In fact, there are many more things in common between the peoples of different countries than there are contradictions.

And only through the policy of division, which is being implemented everywhere by the protégés of the deep state, are people literally forced to adopt a hostile attitude towards other countries and peoples.

And again, this happens because all official media have long been in the hands of the globalists.

As a result, manipulation of people’s consciousness is carried out at the highest – governmental – level.

By and large, absolutely all normal people on Earth dream of only one thing: a calm and happy life in prosperity and well-being, surrounded by family and friends, without any hostility or confrontation towards their neighbors, and especially towards distant and unfamiliar countries.

But this is precisely what happens as a result of the artificial imposition of a certain opinion on their people by the ruling elite of many countries in the world.

For example, if you ask American or European citizens where Ukraine is located and what it is like, most of them will not be able to answer this question.

But each of them will say that “Ukraine was subjected to a barbaric attack by Russia and therefore it must be defended.”

This is precisely what is instilled in the population of the overwhelming majority of countries, and they obediently repeat this memorized “mantra”.

And only those few people who think about the origins of this conflict and want to know the truth, begin to search for and study alternative sources of information.

Thanks to people like these, as well as fearless and honest journalists who dared to visit the scene and see everything with their own eyes, the truth is finally leaking out to the people.

And then many begin to see all the lies, hypocrisy and cynicism of those in power, who pit peoples of different countries against each other by introducing artificially created attitudes and intentions into their consciousness.

The price for such deception and hypocrisy, as always, is paid by ordinary people: some by giving their lives on the battlefield, others by depriving themselves of the essentials of life due to economic difficulties associated with military conflicts.

The winners, as they have been for many centuries, are the Dracoreptiles, reptilians and others like them - those who feed on the fear, pain and suffering of millions of people who, one way or another, have become victims of the large and small conflicts they have unleashed.

And this is no longer just duality in action, but its apogee, which will soon lead to the self-destruction of this outdated world system of governance.

Fortunately, this process has already begun.

That's where we'll stop today.

The Father-Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you

Accepted by Marta on February 18, 2025

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