Monday, February 24, 2025

Adama Channeled by Erena Velazquez Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces

Adama 🛸🕊️🩵⛰️💐🌎💐⛰️🩵🕊️🛸
Hello Humans,
I am not the High Priest of Telos, so I would like to reintroduce myself, I am Adama from the High Council of Lemurians, who survived a catastrophic event of a sunken continent a long time ago on Mother Gaia. We are staying in the 6th dimensional reality of Inner Earth. We do have a big mountain, which is larger than any you have on the surface, but we are not in Mount Shasta. Lemurians reside in the distant Galaxy on the planet named New Lemuria.
The Galactic Civilizations do not have male priests, and they don’t follow religions, only humans do. Some Galactic Races have priestesses, all of them are healers. I am also not a diplomat & ambassador for humanity to the Galactic Nations. Seems humans cannot get the information accurately by making up false stories about Light Beings. We are waiting for the Ascension to occur on your planet. Based on the information I received so far from the Galactic High Council, there is a big possibility of a much smaller group of human beings ascending than was expected, mostly Galactic Souls.
The rest of humanity could be moved to a different location far away from this Galaxy, unless suddenly the Human Collective Consciousness will be raised into the required conditions sustainable for a massive Ascension. Right now, most of humankind do not want to raise their vibrations and are waiting for someone else to do the necessary spiritual work for them, from observing their actions very carefully in the last 5 years. My civilization is going to reunite with my Brothers and Sisters in the future with our homeworld, if we reach the needed frequencies to lift Us into the 7th dimension and then to the 8th one.
The New Lemuria planet is 8th dimensional, so we need to reach this level of spiritual height to be able to stay there without any issues or damage to our Light Bodies. Each being needs to be ready to stay in these frequencies, otherwise their Light Bodies will disappear. It took us many thousands of years to raise our vibrations to the 6th dimension, and now we are almost in the 7th, after that it will be much easier for Us to jump into the 8th dimension. I am very surprised, on how many humans refuse to understand and completely discard the Galactic Light Beings advice to work daily on raising your frequencies.
Of course, you can be raised temporality into a higher dimension, but only for a very short moment, then you will fall back, as you need to maintain that vibration, otherwise the physical body can’t handle the high pressure from the Light. Each dimension requires different levels of adjustments to be applied to be able to stay there without any serious side effects. Our Galactic Civilization tried to do an experiment, what would happen, if you lift someone from the 6th into 8th realm. The results were not good, a few of my Brothers and Sisters were forced out of their Light Bodies.
We look similar to humans, but have a more perfected appearance, after our bodies got replaced by the Light Ones in an advanced form with different resilience to the environment and dimensional pressure. Our features are very defined, we also wear Light suits over our bodies, which can change into any look we want. This way many civilizations don’t even know, on how we really look, which keeps Lemurians safe, as there are many unfriendly civilizations in the big Cosmos. In the past we reached the 8th dimensional reality, and the Lemurian Continent on your planet got destroyed, because of big egos and the power hunger between each other.
Human beings have a long way to go, you still entertain your egos and very easily trigger your emotions, especially the negative ones, just from Galactic & Light Beings trying to bring a piece of truth to you about anything or anyone. The Ascended Masters mentioned many times, by the Universal Laws there are no shortcuts for any race to become a Galactic Civilization. No matter on how you react to other Light Beings or me, who communicate through this channel, the outcome will be same, no work no results. Every Light Being, who moved from lower dimensions to the higher ones, knows the truth about the spiritual work that was needed to be done, through daily silent meditations to Ascend.
Recently, you had an unusual event, which took place in your world. A human, who was kayaking in the coast of Chile, in the Strait of Magellan, was swallowed by a humpback whale. This man survived, and he is fine with no injuries from this encounter, as the whale spit him out of its mouth after a few seconds. So, why this happened to this human being? He was at wrong place & at wrong time, because of his low vibrations, as the humpback whale had no interest in eating him. This sea mammal only came to the surface to get oxygen.
Please, always remember the lower your frequency is the more negative events & problems you will attract & experience in your life, the higher your vibration is the more positive events & experiences you will attract, like a magnet bringing to your life & matching your frequency. Your outer world in this reality reflects your inner part of your being like a mirror. The best way to elevate your vibration is through daily silent meditations. If you want to Ascend, take your destiny into your hands and don’t wait for some savior to take you there.
It will not matter at all, if any human leader does anything positive for you in your life in this 3D reality, it will have zero effect in determining, if you are going to ascend to the 5th or higher dimension. The path of enlightenment is an individual journey of your soul, what you put in is what you will get out. There is no mystery about it, on why you are or not going to Ascend from Earth into a higher realm. Please, accept my Blessings and Supreme Love. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.
Only You Are the Captain of Your Soul, Who Will Decide Your Next Destination & No One Else

Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces

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