Today we are moving on to more complex material. We will begin to study the buddhic and atmic bodies, as well as their sense organs - the sixth and seventh chakras, which are the bridge connecting you with your Divine hypostasis, and which help you communicate with the subtle world.
Unfortunately, there are still few people on Earth whose chakras are open and developed to the point that they can communicate with the Higher Forces of the Universe.
There are many more people who are able to communicate with astral entities living in near-earth space in your immediate vicinity.
And since these entities have already become almost “professionals” in the field of Earth Ascension, having mastered the necessary terminology and learned to beautifully and ornately develop this topic, it has become very difficult for a person to distinguish the messages of the Light Forces from those dictated by the upper astral.
I will try to teach you to feel this fine line, which will protect you from mistakes and allow you to clearly determine the vibrations of your heavenly “interlocutors”.
But we will start from afar. And today we will talk about the sixth chakra, which is often called the "third eye" of a person.
Where did this name come from?
At one time it was actually brought to the physical plane, and some beings living in higher densities still have it.
But as man descended into the world of the third density, this eye “overgrew”, like a tender thin sprout, strangled by the “weeds” of dual life.
One of the points of the program introduced into human consciousness by the Draconian race was the blocking of the sixth chakra of a person, which connected him with the subtle world.
Even in the embryo, the thin thread that connected the soul of a person with his true essence – with the memory of his Divine origin and the connection with his Mother’s soul – was cut.
Thus, a person entered this world already “blind” and “deaf”. He was left with only physical sense organs, completely blocking the subtle perception of the world.
And only a few Great Souls, incarnated on Earth with the goal of restoring justice and returning to man what rightfully belonged to him, managed to “awaken” their third eye and establish the lost connection with the subtle world.
Now the situation has changed. New energies of the highest vibrations, coming into contact with people who have reached a certain level of their spiritual development, are able to neutralize these programs, which allows thousands of people to activate their third eye and thereby open the doors to the subtle worlds.
This is also facilitated by numerous practices that are now coming to your aid from the Higher Powers of the Universe.
And everything would be wonderful, my dears, if you lived in ideal harmonious conditions and constantly remained in a state of Light and Love.
But you continue to live in a dual world, communicate with a wide variety of people, experience the changes of a wide variety of energies, and as a result, entities living in the astral body of the Earth rush to use your “bridge” to the subtle world.
And depending on what energies prevail in you at any given moment, such entities are attracted to you: from the lower to the higher astral.
They are also developing and have learned to raise their vibrations to a height that allows them to “jump” to your fourth and even fifth chakras.
And in one of my next messages we will talk with you about how to learn to recognize such “guests” using your subtle senses.
Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, spoke to you
Accepted by Marta on February 21, 2018
Источник: https://vozrojdeniesveta.com/nashe-sovmestnoe-voznesenie-svyaz-s-bo/#ixzz915GREHqy
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