Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today I want to offer you a practice that will help you get out from under the influence of duality that reigns in the three-dimensional world.
It is designed to help you live outside the generally accepted norms of perception of reality, thereby changing your current reality.
Let's call this practice "Liberation from the captivity of duality . "
Why am I offering it to you as a practice and not as a meditation?
First of all, because it should not become a “one-time action” for you, but a new way of thinking.
But to achieve this, not only theoretical knowledge is needed, but mainly daily practical work.
And here's where you should start.
Try to imagine your planet and all its inhabitants as a Single Whole.
You can use for this any images that come to your mind - those that you associate with Unity and Harmony.
It could be a boundless ocean with an endless variety of its inhabitants who live together perfectly, without any hostility or contradictions.
Or, for example, a beautiful fairytale city where Love, Harmony and Mutual Respect reign.
In short, it can be anything – the important thing is that there is no duality in the place that you will imagine.
But the most important thing is that you should feel the energy of this space with your whole being and then firmly fix it in your memory – so that you can instantly immerse yourself in the energies of the image you have created.
It would be good to begin this practice with meditations, during which you can calmly and slowly “get used to” this image, imagining it as vividly as possible and in the smallest details.
And when you feel that it has firmly established itself in you energetically and visually, you can move on to the practice itself, which is as follows.
Every time you find yourself in a space saturated with duality - whether on the physical plane or in virtual reality, mentally move this space and all the people in it into the unipolar world you have created, in which Love, Unity and Harmony always reign.
You will immediately feel how the energy around you changes and how people begin to behave differently, sometimes without even understanding what happened to them.
This practice is different from those given to you before, because it works on a different scale and at a higher level.
In this case, you are no longer influencing a small “island” of the three-dimensional world with its inhabitants, but are moving this entire “island” into another reality on a global scale.
This can be compared to how, instead of the usual protective sphere of high-vibrational energies, you place yourself in a protective sphere the size of the globe.
This is precisely the purpose of this practice: to move the energy space of the dual world and all the people in it into a unipolar world of at least the fourth dimension.
Try, my dears, to calmly and slowly master this practice, which will help not only you to “emerge” from duality, but also other pure human souls, whose consciousness and physical bodies will gratefully accept the energies of high vibrations that are native to them.
And I bless you for this!
The Father-Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Accepted by Marta on February 22, 2025
Источник: https://vozrojdeniesveta.com/istoriya-chelovechestva-osvobozhdenie-iz-plena-dualnosti/#ixzz91Ar1G7fp
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