H.: Hello, Christ. As far as I’m concerned, people have different periods in life. There are stages when bright teachers help him more actively. And there are stages when a person moves away from you. How does a light teacher feel about the situation when his ward goes into a set of destructive meanings?
Christ: Hello, dear. It depends on whether the soul was planned in the current implementation of a set of specific destructive experience.
Let’s say a bright mind from the pure worlds realizes that it is too unwilling, and lacks moderate rigour. It can be embodied on Earth with a corresponding request. And then the world throughout his life will insist on him to recruit the ordered indicators. Up to the point that without the right quality it can expect a life collapse. He will-nilly will draw the necessary, because his soul came to the incarnation of this.
There are many examples when the soul needs a set of destructive meanings of certain qualities in the given ranges. Then its choice in the incarnation will be limited, a person will be encouraged to react to the situation not as gently as he is accustomed, even if he does not want it very much. And he does not, usually, because he has no experience of possessing certain destructive properties. A person does not understand what he will represent with these new properties, how to integrate them into themselves. He has a fear that he will cease to be himself, will lose his identity.
That is, the set of the soul of any experience, especially destructive, is accompanied by a complex psychological process. When a person kind of knew himself, but the new qualities that have been drawn put all his knowledge about themselves into question. And he’s starting to think, “I’ve changed.” Who am I now?
The acquired properties can be liked, and may not be liked, causing a person to have significant psychological discomfort. But since the plan of the soul was to obtain new qualities, it makes no sense for a person to be too lamented that he now possesses them. Here we can say that the soul did not stumble, but made a difficult, but pre-planned step. Yes, the person realizes that the changes in him have occurred, perhaps they are scaring him. But the soul may not have a task to return to its previous characteristics. But there is another important task – to integrate new properties in order to live in peace and yourself and with the people around you.
So the first reason why the soul distanced itself from the light Forces and deepened itself into destructive experience was so necessary. Since this has been agreed and planned, we can say that the person followed the highest will. The main thing here is that he reconciled the internal conflict after he found new qualities. The bright teacher will just wait for him, they have no serious reasons to keep the distance longer necessary.
The second option of increasing the destructiveness of the soul is personal human election. Now popular are the ideas that many destructive forces influence a person: higher civilizations, dark structures. And this gives reason to believe that he does not control himself, and he is controlled by someone from the outside. But from the point of view of the teaching of Christianity: man has freedom of choice. This is the cornerstone of our faith, laid down in the Bible – in the history of Adam and Eve. This is a story not only about falling, it is also about the choice: to live with God, recognizing the supremacy of his will, or to do everything in its own way, to become the master of his life with all the difficulties that follow.
If a person of his choice is immersed in the destructive experience he could but did not want to avoid, the vigilant teachers treat this without condemnation, but with reasonable rigor. Of course, there is such a person sympathy. But sympathy is not the only sylability for a bright teacher. Kindness and desire to help do not cover our eyes. We see the thoughts and actions of a person and objectively evaluate them. But we do not have inappropriate rigidity. Therefore, a person always has the opportunity to repent and return to bright elections, no matter how far he went in his wanderings in destructive ways.
H.: How can a person understand: was his destructive experience planned from above, or did he choose him himself?
H.: I would say that personal choice is made in the first case and in the second. It is simply in the first – the soul chooses in a state of clarity, and in the second – in oblivion, under the pressure of the earthly world. Of course, when you make decisions out of clarity, they are wiser. To follow them in embodiment, the soul has to overcome the impressive gravity of oblivion. It is not an easy task – to get to the earthly incarnation to the clarity to understand and accept the election of the soul.
If a person can come into contact with the deep memory of the soul, he will have the opportunity to understand who made the choice: the soul from a state of clarity under the guidance of his teacher, or he himself is influenced by life circumstances.
The Gravity of Oblivion is a great teacher and a great equalizer. It ruthlessly manifests the essence of each of us, our properties, our deepest aspirations. The only way to weaken its tireless pressure is to build your inner space of the soul and raise its deep memory.
Man needs to create for himself a worthy alternative to the gird, dizzying carousel of earthly life, so that the depth and fullness of his inner world could eventually outweigh. I’m not talking about running away from reality. Expanding your personal space inward, deep into your soul on the contrary, helps to cope with earthly difficulties easier.
When a person lives an external life, but loses its capabilities, he has nothing left. And then he says, “I’m a poor man, I’ve lost everything.”
But a person who lives rather an inner life does not lose everything. If the outside is lost, he can say to himself: I am not a poor man. The good inside of me.
No one can take away the inner good. But a person can lose them himself, if he lets dissatisfeze, bitterness, disappointment. Through these feelings, you can lose your inner good.
If a person is lamented that he has little inner good, if he longs for new treasures for his soul, the world will help him get more. His inner gifts will be multiplied, and he will not be poor.
If a person is lamented that he does not have enough external benefits, if he is eager for the treasures of the earthly life, but not to seek the benefits of the inner, he will remain poor.
Therefore, it is necessary to accumulate first of all the treasures of your soul, and not to let them down to the wind because of the weakness of the spirit.
In the inner space of the soul you can find answers about the election of the soul. But for a person to be given depth, it will take intensive regular efforts. Otherwise, the spiritual quests will be like stroking on the stone in anticipation that it will become pliable. But the mountain is too firm, it will not allow man to easily deep into the cave with the innermost secrets of his soul. To get to them, he will have to pave his way through the rock.
Q: How can a person connect with light teachers, become closer to them?
H.: The connection with us is based on the sincerity of aspirations for spiritual knowledge, to the benevolent states of consciousness. To the bright Forces every day receive millions of requests. But the a few seek gifts for the soul, the rest ask for the benefits of the earth. But we are not good wizards, not godfaiths.
On sincerity, constructive connections between souls are built. If a person can not honestly say what he thinks, if he has to show quirkyness, then you need to work on your thoughts. So that every day he can show more sincerity, so that he has something to say to others good, support, from the heart.
Q: You said that bright teachers are objective in their assessments and see when a person behaves ugly. If we talk about everything sincerely, you can cause people a lot of pain.
H.: If necessary, and the person is ready to hear – we say how to eat. But people are not always ready. He may have other processes in his heart. It can be at a stage where the mind is isolated within its own bubble of perception. And then there is a lot of pain from sincerity, and there may not be a useful effect. We don’t always do anything if a person shut himself in a room. We see that he started something there, cooked in his fantasies. Perhaps such perverse conclusions about life have already made such perverted conclusions that the light teacher is bitter to look at this. But that stage is now taking place.
Every teacher has respect for the inner processes of their ward. If for our sincere conversation with a person is not the time, we are leaving until that time comes. Until the sincerity of a bright teacher can not be manifested. For example, if a person is ready to hear from the teacher that he is lost in the forest of his own illusions. Or, for example, if a person understands his misconceptions himself – this will be a reason for a bright teacher sincerely praise and rejoice for him.
In any case, we are patiently waiting for a person to want to return to the paths we can lead him. Not every path is possible under our protection. Some paths to bright teachers are well known. Others are not known, and in such ways man lead other Forces.
Q: What are the processes that prompt the soul to periodically open and close?
H: It’s rhythms. You already know something about rhythms. This is an extensive topic. Two opposing processes are manifested in our universe: expansion and compression.
The universe is periodically expanding and shrinking. This is called the exhalation and inhalation of the Creator.
Civilizations are expanding and shrinking. This happens during the change of global scenarios, when one civilization is destroyed, and in its place dawns a new one.
Human life begins to expand with birth and reaches maximum contraction to death.
Rhythm is the deepest property of Creation, an integral part of the processes of vital activity of all intelligent beings.
The soul also has rhythms. Expansion and compression of its structures is one of the deepest rhythms, which it is sometimes forced to succumb.
The flower opened up for him the day. The flower closed for him the night. During the day, the soul, as a flower absorbs a lot of light, gives the world its aroma and pollen. At night, it is deepened into its internal process, it does not give anything, but continues to take nutrients from the soil. It draws from the earth the accumulations once produced by other living beings. That is, during the day she eats and feeds, and at night it mainly eats.
The expansion phase and the stage of contraction of the soul can have different duration. For example, for a mind that tirelessly glows into the light, the expansion phase can be very long, in Earth’s time for millions of years. And the compression period is very short, for example, 2-3 earthly embodiments, for which a program of an intensive set of destructive meanings is set, in order to quickly draw the maximum amount of new experience for the soul. Then, after the end of this marathon, it will be able to lay out her acquisitions for a long time, integrating the properties of the developed into its own self.
On the expansion comes the creation, when the soul brings something new to this world, extracts something valuable from its own inner process and offers these gifts to other souls. A particle of God is multiplied in the expansion. New artworks are being created on the extension. Children are born on the expansion.
Other souls, on the contrary, are long-term predominantly compression, and they are almost unable to set their own compression inverse vector to direct their power into expansion. These are destructive souls that absorb the resources of the outside world. If they expand, it goes by partial or complete parasitization: they take more from the world than they give. This process is called a parasitic extension: when the compression of the soul creates the effect of sucking resources from the surrounding space. It’s like gravity when massive cosmic bodies attract less massive bodies, and so do they expand even more.
Compression is a more intense process. The expansion goes to the will and generosity of the creator, and the contraction is on fear and greed.
Now in the universe is temporarily dominated by compression. It was caused by an abundance of destructive civilizations, in which parasitic expansion prevailed for too long and intensively. The universe has reached a kind of stopping point of these processes, in which their potentials have been completely exhausted. This happened when life resource producers failed to provide enough intensive constructive expansion to compensate for the global expansion processes of parasitic. The current contraction will continue, parasitization will go more and more at the expense of those who themselves parasitize, until the producers of the life resource again appear surplus.
In such circumstances, souls who create something new from themselves will feel best. They will suffer less from a total shortage of resources. When it comes to the true expansion of the soul, teachers provide such processes with the necessary resources.
When a person’s life is compressed, he loses his way, his guidelines. The high repeatability of life begins, it goes into everyday troubles, which do not change anything significantly in life. In fact, its space of events is copied day after day, month-to-month, with differences in small details.
While there is at least some expansion, a person has new saturating impressions. If the moment comes, “everything is the same thing or “I have nowhere to go” – then there is stagnation. So, the soul lacks something essential for subsequent expansion: the will to create, fresh ideas, the potentials of creation.
Perhaps a person lived for too long on the principle of “everything for himself, everything for himself” – thus, he initiated his processes of compression. But to swim on, his ship needs fresh wind, he needs the exhalation of the creator. In this case, a person is this creator, and exhaling – it means to give the world something out of yourself. If a person begins to bring to the outside world something valuable, created in his own internal process, it can relaunch its expansion.
Sometimes at the stage of his compression, a person decides to take something from the outside world, slightly transform it and give it back, hoping to launch through these actions his intensive expansion. For example, resellers who purchased a ton of products packed it in their packaging and sold it with a profit. But, to start the processes of expansion in the shower again, it is not enough to take the finished, slightly change it and then give it again. This is a very weak step and it will have a weak effect. It will not be a creation, it will be a transformation, a combination of the finished with profit. And such operations always contain a certain percentage of parasitization in the world around them.
It is not about ethical assessments of any activity, but about energy exchange processes, which can be clearly measured and unambiguous conclusions. For example: two units of the resource in the soul are invested, one unit as a result obtained, an outflow from the total reserve of the life resource: minus one unit. This fact can not be interpreted otherwise.
The processes of contracting the external life and contracting the inner life of a person are weakly dependent on each other. Sometimes it happens that the earthly life is scarce, nothing happens, but inner life – blooms and expands. This is what happens to spiritual seekers at a certain stage. When a simple poor man sits on a straw mat in meditation, but in front of his inner gaze extends the majestic cosmos of the universe. Such perception becomes possible, because a person has sincerely invested a great deal of aspiration in his enlightenment.
Sometimes you just need to release additional forces to go to your own depths. To do this, a person reduces his interaction with the outside world. The less he will be disturbed by earthly affairs, the better he will be able to concentrate on his inner search and creation. On this are based the practices of austerity and isolation from society: with the limitations of external impressions, the soul begins to look intensively for compensation, as a result it can open the treasures of its own depths.
The severe lack of external experience generates an intensive process of searching for internal impressions. It’s like starving to hunger: the stronger he is, the stronger the desire to satisfy him. If enough food does not come from the outside, the body begins to look for food inside itself. So with the soul: she begins to look for opportunities to get saturation from the inner world. She has a desire to use hidden sources, to which she did not turn before, because everything necessary came from the outside.
A full person loses the right degree of mobility, he is more lazy and slower. So the soul: if it is satisfied with external experience, it will not diligent in its search for internal sources of fuel, even if a person has set a course for spiritual development.
This is how our world works: the emptiness seeks to be filled. If the perception of a person is filled with external events, the inner perception simply can not be much. It’s like trying to pour two liters of water into a liter pitcher. The capacity of human perception is limited. To give your soul to perceive the inner depth, it is necessary, by discarding fear, to make your earthly life as laconic as possible. Then an empty place will be released, which will be able to fill the insights that came from within.
I mentioned the potential of creation. The most powerful potentials of creation always come from within the soul and have a high degree of novelty. They are generated by an inner search, the soul takes them out of nowhere, from its infinite depths, which it reaches when merging with the global fields of the living universe.
Any soul, every mind, is a complex unique prism of the refraction of the Divine Light. When this prism is revealed to the global streams of Awareness, unique light patterns are poured through it. So there is something perfect in this world, from which the spirit captures and pleasantly pinchs the heart (Smile). Many directions of global Creation with the potential for expansion for millions of earth years have been cherised by tireless enthusiasts from such deep states of merging with the World.
The rather ripe mind of the earthling is also able to draw valuable ideas from the global streams of Awareness. Some of a person’s research can be so successful that it will allow his mind to begin expanding his activities into multidimensionality for very long time by your standards. The potential of the human mind is actually great, it can work successfully in multidimensionality. To bend the golden idea from the ocean of Divine Awareness, to begin their ascent to activity at new levels of being, can any person.
But the deep touches to the general consciousness of the universe are not obtained on compression. If a person is guided by fear or greed, golden ideas will be eluded. They can be obtained only on the expansion, on the desire to give the world something valuable to yourself. You don’t have to try to draw into yourself something valuable from the streams of multidimensionality to own it. We need to let these streams pour through themselves. Any true creator is not a great combinator, but a great for life. The life he lets in himself fully, and allows her to flow freely through himself.
It is impossible to catch the sun ray in a cage, it can only be redirected through your prism further into the world. In cages can lie material things, money, contracts of obligations. But all this is already something frozen, static or not having deep meaning for the soul. And life is a stream, it is the flow of a part of God through the soul further into the world. Therefore, everything that can be touched, everything that a person tries to take possession, to call it his own – eventually crumbles, rubbed with the sands of time, and eventually turns into sand, in dust.
The most complete life is life on the expansion, on the gift. Its gifts cannot be appropriated, they flow through their fingers, because this is the true properties of life – in the free current. But what it is leaking, and it is impossible to put it in her chests with material good – this is not a reason for fear or grief. If the soul is revealed, it will take a new resource of life. On its wide channel, fresh streams will flow again, and there is no sense to build dams to become the master of these flows. Because any attempt to keep the clean water of life in closed reservoirs inevitably generate a standing swamp.
