Wednesday, February 19, 2025

OUR COMMUNAL ASCENSION (DIVINE TUNING FORK) March 5, 2018 Ascended Masters , Yeshua , Practitioners


our-joint-ascension-of-divinity-2Hello, my dear beloved souls!

Today I would like to tell you about how, with the help of the sixth chakra, you can learn to recognize higher astral entities, which are now dictating messages to people in large numbers.

This is not given to everyone, but only to those of you whose soul has a true Divine “tuning fork” capable of catching false notes that sound in messages in the form of excessive sweetness, unctuousness, verbosity, frequent repetitions of the same thing, and sometimes overly abstruse texts, replete with technical and scientific terms.

In fact, true messages are always simple, brief and accessible to everyone, and their main goal is to convey to you new knowledge that will help you navigate what is happening now on your planet, and tell you how to live and act in accordance with the new realities of the world.

The fact is that the entities of the higher astral plane sincerely believe that with their dictations they also help you move forward.

To give their words more weight and inspire confidence in you, they act under the names of Higher Powers or people you respect who have left the dense plane of Earth.

And since most of these messages also talk about “Light and Love”, sometimes their authors can be recognized ONLY energetically.

And now I will give you some advice on how to use your sixth chakra to conduct an energetic analysis of this or that message.

To do this, you need to be in a calm, harmonious state and it is better to put up energy protection to isolate yourself from communication with astral entities, who are very afraid of exposure.

Then, after reading the text or at least the first paragraphs, ask your third eye to evaluate this message.

 If this is a true message from the Higher Powers, then you will DEFINITELY feel its reaction - in the form of pulsation, clockwise rotation, expansion, warmth...

If this message was dictated by higher astral entities, then your fourth or fifth chakras will most likely react to them, since they are on the same vibrational level.

If the message is dictated by the Dark Forces or entities of the lower astral plane, then you will feel vibrations at the level of the lower chakras or some other manifestations at the level of the physical body.

There is another way to determine whether you should spend time reading a particular message.

Agree, my dears, it often happens that you are attracted by the title and you dive into reading the message, even if at first you already sensed something was wrong. Your curiosity spurs you to read it all the way to the end.

As a result, you waste a lot of time and, in addition, clog up your energetic space.

To prevent this from happening, you can, just by reading the title and the name of the contactee who received the message, turn to your third eye for help and ask it if you need this information.

And if you have already established a certain contact with him, he will definitely react.

You can develop a set of communication signs with him to get quick and clear answers at the yes or no level.

And believe me, my dears, this channel of communication with your own Divine essence is the most reliable, since no astral entity is able to reach it with its vibrations.

But I again encourage you to be creative and develop your own practices and exercises, because even the Higher Powers find it difficult to give you uniform advice and recommendations – you are all so unique and inimitable.

Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, spoke to you

Accepted by Marta on February 25, 2018

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