Today we are moving on to the next body – the causal body, which represents your “analytical center”.
It is in it that all your conclusions and findings are formed - the results of long reflections, comparisons of facts and various reasons for the events happening to you.
The causal body processes the material that the mental body supplies it with in the form of a wide variety of thoughts, and is filled with the vibrations that they carry within themselves.
Therefore, the purity of the causal body depends on the quality of thoughts – their energetic component.
As you can see, my dears, in this case too, all you need to do is monitor your thoughts and emotions in order to send pure, high-vibrational “material” to the causal body for “processing”.
What can help you with this?
First and foremost , try to view the entire chain of events happening to you from the point of view of the Highest Divine Laws.
And then the results of your reflections will be of a completely different nature - you will look at everything not through the eyes of a person in the three-dimensional world, but from the height of consciousness of a person living in the fourth or even fifth dimension.
Second . Never look for the reason for your failures in other people, because this thought alone carries a judgment, and therefore is filled with the energies of the three-dimensional world.
This judgment creates a chain of accusations and aggression, which pulls you further into lower energies.
Third . Don't go too far in the other direction - don't blame yourself for all failures, because guilt is also low-vibration energy, a consequence of living in a dual world, where there will always be those who are right and those who are wrong, guilty and innocent, good and bad...
So how should you behave correctly so as not to get entangled in the tangle of thoughts and emotions generated by the events happening to you?
Look at everything from the position of an observer who studies life with curiosity, gains new experiences – positive or negative, and is grateful for them, because it enriches his life, fills it with new meaning and content.
And never look back .
Use the life experience you have gained, but do not get caught up in the experiences associated with pain and troubles.
Let them go! Don't let them settle in your subtle bodies and gradually destroy them, causing illnesses and mental disorders.
You need to be able to part with difficult memories as easily as you part with old clothes that are too small for you or have become worn out with time.
You can imagine that you are “throwing off” painful periods of your life like old dirty clothes that you “burn” in the fire of Universal Love.
And then you put on pure beautiful Divine clothes, which fill all your subtle bodies with Light and Love.
And you shine so brightly that your Light fills the entire Earth, the Galaxy, the Universe...
Try, my dears, to do this simple but very effective practice.
Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, spoke to you
Accepted by Marta on February 18, 2018
Источник: https://vozrojdeniesveta.com/nashe-sovmestnoe-voznesenie-kauzaln/#ixzz91MhqFZZm
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