Today we will continue our conversation about your sixth chakra.
I will tell you what its role is in human life now - during the period of your transition to a higher dimension, and how you can revive its original functions.
First of all, I want to warn you that not every person can do this, but only those who have managed to raise their consciousness, and therefore their vibrations, to the level of at least the fourth dimension. And there are many such people on Earth now.
The higher you climb the spiritual ladder that leads you into the Fifth Dimension, the more clearly you will feel your sixth chakra.
It will seem to you that it is contracting, pulsating, expanding.
You may feel tingling, slight vibrations, cold or warmth in the third eye area.
These may be its physical manifestations. But much more importantly, it will begin to wake up from deep sleep and restore its lost abilities, the main one of which is its interaction with the subtle plane.
How will this manifest itself?
First of all, you will begin to feel each other subtly, that is, interact at the level of subtle bodies.
When communicating, it will no longer be the words you are used to exchanging that will come to the fore, but the energies that your emotions, thoughts and actions carry.
You will read them from each other without saying a word, and this will be the first step towards telepathic communication, which all people possessed at the dawn of their existence.
Of course, this will not happen overnight. You will need to develop these skills the same way you develop your body to be slim, flexible and beautiful.
But now your relationship, based on mutual trust, respect and Love, will have to become just as slender, flexible and beautiful.
You can start small.
Every day, when communicating with any person you meet, try to look into his soul, grasp his emotional state, feel his desires, anticipate the course of his thoughts.
And when he speaks or starts to act, you will immediately understand how correctly you managed to read the information about him.
In the three-dimensional world, stereotypes are very tenacious, so most often people's words and actions are the same.
You will be surprised how predictable dual-minded people are. You will not have any trouble getting into their subtle bodies to read their thoughts and emotions.
As for those who are on the same level as you, here you will find some small surprises, since you perceive such people as very close to you in spirit and believe that they should think and react to everything in the same way as you do.
And if this does not happen, you are very surprised and upset.
But you forget, my dears, that the higher a person’s spiritual level, the richer and more diverse his inner world, the broader his perception of reality, already devoid of hackneyed stereotypes and patterns.
Therefore, penetrating into the soul of such a person is already a “high level of skill” that not everyone can handle.
But the most important thing you need to do now is to start practicing this communication-feeling of each other, and then gradually, step by step, you will develop your third eye - revive it, return it to its former glory.
And I bless you for this, my dears!
Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, spoke to you
Accepted by Marta on February 23, 2018
Источник: https://vozrojdeniesveta.com/nashe-sovmestnoe-voznesenie-shestaya-cha/#ixzz90tPtzgSJ
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