Friday, February 21, 2025



the history of humanity, divine czechism, in every eventHello, my dear beloved children!

Today we will continue the conversation about what the next step should be to reduce the degree of duality on your planet.

Second . See Divine purposefulness in every event happening on Earth.

This is not easy to do, since many of them seem too unfair and cruel from the point of view of an ordinary person.

And here we need to remember such a phenomenon as sacrifice : what it is and what goals it pursues.

In fact, no sacrifice on Earth is meaningless, even if at first glance it seems so.

As you already know, before its next incarnation, each Soul chooses not only its parents, but also the general scenario of its life.

Of course, it is not written down in great detail, but its outline is always quite clear, at least in general terms.

Since the souls of people come to Earth in order to gain the experience they lack, many of them successively live the lives of a victim and an executioner, a poor man and a rich man, a villain and a good man, a miser and a spendthrift, etc., etc.

But often pure human souls choose the experience of sacrifice in the name of saving others or for the sake of some higher noble goal.

As a rule, such souls come to Earth at fateful moments in its history, so that their victims become a symbol of the struggle for justice or for a better future for humanity.

Thus, their heroic deeds – self-sacrifice – remain in the people’s memory for a long time as examples of courage and nobility, becoming role models for other bright and pure human souls.

The names of many such heroes are found in every country and are passed down from generation to generation.

And this is a sacrifice of the highest order, which is always in sight.

But there are other victims – invisible to the general public, but still no less significant.

They carry a meaning that is hidden for many, which only the initiated are able to discern and feel.

Such cases include mass casualties of various military conflicts, which are intended to open the eyes of other people to the senselessness of confrontations of any kind, in order to prevent this from happening in the future.

From the point of view of an ordinary person, the death of people, and especially of loved ones and relatives, is the greatest tragedy, since in the three-dimensional world death is perceived as something final and terrible, which in fact is not so.

On the contrary, it is the liberation of man from the limited framework of physical embodiment and the liberation of his consciousness from the captivity of three-dimensionality.

In other words, death is nothing more than the return of the human Soul Home from a difficult and dangerous “business trip” to the world of the third dimension.

And if people perceived any death in this way, then it would be much easier for them to understand the Divine purposefulness of the path of each person, no matter what it is from the point of view of generally accepted norms and morality.

Unfortunately, most often humanity's epiphany comes as a result of numerous sacrifices.

But it is precisely for such insight that many souls sacrifice themselves, which is the evolution of not only individual souls, but also humanity as a whole, since everything is One, both on Earth and throughout the Universe.

That's where we'll stop today.

The Father-Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you

Accepted by Marta on February 20, 2025

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