Today I want to continue the conversation about the causal body and dwell on another of its features.
In addition to its “analytical abilities”, which was mentioned in my previous message , it also has the ability to accumulate in itself the energy of managing thoughts and emotions.
And here's what that means.
After your thoughts and emotions, having passed through the causal body and undergone energetic “processing” there, return to the world, they already have a different character – more ordered and harmonized.
This happens because the causal body itself has vibrations that are significantly higher than the emotional and mental bodies, which supply it with material “for processing”.
It is similar to how an adult listens to a child who pours out all his problems and emotions on him, and then wisely and calmly puts everything in its place, explaining to him what is happening from the point of view of Divine laws.
But this happens only if a person has already crossed the line separating him from the dual world and is ready to listen to the truth, and not what his Ego wants to hear.
For people who are completely immersed in the three-dimensional world, the causal body serves as a “shutter” that protects the buddhic and atmic bodies from low energies.
The low vibration thoughts and emotions of such people bounce off the high vibration “wall” of the causal body like a ball and return to these people in the form of a mirror image.
Thus, the causal body takes the most direct part in the fulfillment of the Divine law: “The external reflects the internal” or “What goes around comes around.”
It accumulates the energy of a person’s thoughts and emotions and returns them to him in an enhanced form .
This applies to any energy – positive and negative.
Thus, thoughts filled with Goodness and Love return Goodness and Love to a person’s life in the form of pleasant events, good people, excellent health and a harmonious life.
Thoughts filled with evil and aggression attract events and people of similar vibrations to a person, further complicating his life.
Thus, the causal body can be called the “chief executor of Divine laws” , accumulating the energy emitted by a person and then generating it outward.
Therefore, my dears, it is so important to keep your emotional and mental bodies clean, on which the cleanliness of your causal body also depends.
As I have already told you more than once in my messages, everything is in your own hands, since you are the Creators of your reality and are able to control it with the power of your thoughts.
And if your thoughts are filled with Love – the most powerful of all energies existing in the Universe, then you will have power over everything.
Always remember this, my dears!
Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, spoke to you
Accepted by Marta on February 19, 2018
Источник: https://vozrojdeniesveta.com/nashe-sovmestnoe-voznesenie-ispolnit/#ixzz91Gjm8dlO
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