Hello, my dear beloved children!
Today we will talk about what needs to be done in order to finally get rid of the dual perception of reality.
As I said in my previous message , duality has now reached its peak.
This is explained by the fact that now, thanks to television and the Internet, any news instantly spreads throughout the world, which means that the manipulation of people's consciousness has reached a completely different - international - level.
It all depends on who and how conveys this news to the inhabitants of your planet.
In fact, information wars, in which the globalists have been so successful, are sometimes much more dangerous than military clashes, since they already involve millions, if not billions of people.
And since any thought and emotion of a person, first formed on the subtle plane, invariably then manifests itself on the physical plane, you can imagine what influence the thoughts and emotions of the inhabitants of the Earth have on the events unfolding on it.
This is well understood by representatives of the deep state, in whose hands are practically all official media outlets.
This is why they shape public opinion in such a way that energetic chaos of thoughts and emotions of the lowest vibrations reigns on Earth – such as fear, aggression, hatred, condemnation and many others that carry duality in its most unsightly form.
And in order to resist this destructive “tsunami” of negative energies for humanity, which has already engulfed your entire planet, it is necessary to take the following steps.
First . To understand the nature of this phenomenon – energetic and mental.
And I think that for most of those who are reading my message now, this will not be difficult, since you already know who really controls your planet and what goals these beings are pursuing.
This means that your main task should be to deprive these low-vibrational creatures of the negative energies they desire and which they feed on.
At first glance, this is a simple task: you just need to ignore any negative information.
But your desire to stay on the cutting edge of events does not allow you to do this yet.
Therefore, the only correct reaction to any information will be your ability to look at everything through the eyes of God.
This will help you to remain an unbiased outside observer, without getting drawn into discussing and analyzing current events if you yourself cannot influence them in any way at the moment.
This alone will reduce the overall level of energy tension on Earth, helping the “tsunami” of negative energies to lose its power and gradually fade away.
At the same time, it is very important to continue your spiritual work, filling the Earth and the collective consciousness of humanity with high-vibrational energies and visualizing the world in which you would like to live.
Choose practices, of which there are many on this site, that correspond to your individual characteristics and the level of your vibrations.
You can also create your own practices and meditations.
The main thing is that they bring you the joy of creativity and are easy for you.
That's where we'll stop today.
The Father-Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Accepted by Marta on February 19, 2025
Источник: https://vozrojdeniesveta.com/istoriya-chelovechestva-glaza-boga/#ixzz90tLaWPyu
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