Thursday, February 20, 2025

OUR ASCENSION TOGETHER (RELY ONLY ON YOURSELF) March 4, 2018 Ascended Masters , Yeshua


our-joint-ascension-assumesHello, my dear beloved souls!

Today we will continue our conversation about the sixth chakra, and I will reveal to you another of its features.

It lies in the fact that this chakra is the connecting element of your human and Divine essence.

Once you have activated your third eye, you are left with the final step to begin communicating directly with the Higher Forces of the Universe.

And today we will talk about what you need to do in order to fully reveal the abilities of your sixth chakra.

First of all, you need to remember that its “nutrient medium” is pure Unconditional Love – its primordial energy.

Once you learn to live, constantly being in the flow of this energy, the lost functions of your third eye will begin to recover quite quickly.

But today I want to save you from making another mistake.

Nowadays, many different spiritual schools have appeared, which offer you a wide variety of services for opening and activating chakras, introducing various “crystals”, magical symbols and much, much more into your bodies.

I know that some Masters sincerely believe that they are helping people and even do it for free, but, my dears, they are not able to control your emotional state and your energy level constantly.

They can only give a push - a strong impulse to your further spiritual development, but all the main work falls on your shoulders.

You can take advantage of this chance and maintain the level of spiritual growth that has been set for you, or you can, hoping that everything has already been done for you, continue to live as before, without making any effort to improve yourself.

This is the greatest danger of such outside help.

Believe me, my dears, the Ascension of the human soul is a very individual process, which happens differently for everyone - in their own time and at their own pace.

And any artificial interference in your energy space, especially when such sacred things as opening and activating chakras are put on stream, can bring imbalance to your mental and emotional state and even affect your physical well-being.

And, as a rule, it does not help you advance on your spiritual path.

It’s like buying a diploma from a spiritual “university”, but it won’t add any more knowledge or skills to your life.

And the last thing I would like to tell you today.

Try to keep your thoughts pure and do not allow your observant critical mind to analyze the events and behavior of people.

This is what holds back the progress of the vast majority of people.

Catch any thoughts of judgment, control, discontent at the initial stage, before they have time to become saturated with negative energies.

This is very important, my dears. It is your automatic reaction to what is happening that clogs your subtle bodies and does not allow you to rise to the heights to which your Soul aspires.

That's where we'll stop today.

Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, spoke to you

Accepted by Marta on February 26, 2018

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