Today we will talk about the buddhic body, which stores information about all your previous lives and which is the “thread” that connects you with the Mother Soul.
And anyone who manages to immerse themselves in their past incarnations during their meditations or regressive hypnosis can understand a lot about what is happening to them now, that is, trace the entire chain of cause and effect and connect together all the events of their current life.
But you also need to be prepared for this, my dears, because you can see such shocking things about yourself that it will be imprinted in your subtle bodies in the form of remorse and guilt.
In fact, you need to look at your past lives through the eyes of an unbiased outside observer.
It should be clearly understood that, unlike the current life, in which you can change a lot, past lives are already a passed stage, an accumulated experience that was necessary for you to reach the high level of spiritual development at which you are now.
Imagine yourself as a mountain climber who has been climbing to the top of a mountain for a long time and patiently, overcoming incredible difficulties. And now he has reached his goal.
And he no longer needs to go down. He has walked his path to the end, and this mountain top is his "springboard" to Ascension - to a new life in another dimension.
But believe me, my dears, knowing your karmic “biography” is not at all necessary.
Even if you do not have the opportunity to dive into the past, this will not prevent you from moving forward, since now you are given all the necessary knowledge for the development of your Soul, as well as for the transformation of your consciousness and your physical body into a light crystalline one.
Now the most important thing for you is the “crystallization” of the knowledge you have received: sifting out everything unnecessary, superficial, artificial - that very “separation of the wheat from the chaff” that was spoken about so much in the messages of the Higher Powers.
You need to “emerge” to the surface from the stormy flow of information about the Ascension of the Earth, which the Internet and various esoteric publications have brought down on you, and, having caught your breath, focus on yourself – on your feelings – physical, emotional, energetic.
You should direct all the theoretical knowledge you have accumulated into a practical channel, and your sixth chakra can be of great help to you in this.
To this end, I would like to offer you the following.
Once you have entered a meditative state and called upon all your Spiritual Guides, turn through your sixth chakra to your Mother Soul with a request to “remelt” all the experience you have accumulated throughout all your lives in the three-dimensional world into Light and Love.
Take your time, sit quietly for as long as possible. Listen to the sensations in your sixth chakra.
It can “tremble” with joy, it can fill with warmth, start to pulsate, rotate clockwise...
It will be different for everyone, but you will definitely feel that she responded to your request.
You can do this meditation several times until you feel that your earthly cycle is completely completed and you are ready for the Transition.
And every time you want to merge with your Mother Soul, imagine your sixth chakra, which, like an umbilical cord, connects you to her.
Feel your native energy, which you have been deprived of for many, many centuries during your wanderings in the three-dimensional world...
I bless you for this, my dears!
Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, spoke to you
Accepted by Marta on February 27, 2018
Источник: https://vozrojdeniesveta.com/nashe-sovmestnoe-voznesenie-sliyanie-s/#ixzz90c5CvEQs
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