Hello, my dear beloved children!
In continuation of the practice “Liberation from the captivity of duality”, I want to explain to you what happens to low-vibrational beings embodied in human bodies during its implementation.
Let's start with the fact that when you move the energy space of the third dimension into the fourth, all living beings in the third-dimensional world are much more strongly affected by the new energies that are now pouring onto the Earth.
This is explained by the fact that with your physical presence on Earth you anchor these energies, and therefore increase their concentration.
But if such actions are accompanied by your clear intention and enhanced by visualization, then the effect of such a practice becomes truly impressive.
As a result, conducting this practice promotes a “natural selection” of those who are able to exist in the high vibrational energies of the fourth or even the fifth dimension, and those who are not.
In this way, you speed up the Ascension process, helping the Earth to free itself from ballast, or, in other words, from those of its inhabitants who, for various reasons, cannot make the Transition.
The current year may be especially productive in this regard, since the process of transformation of interpersonal and interstate relations has already finally descended from the subtle plane to the physical.
And, as already mentioned in my previous message , this process is also facilitated by the new time parameters.
Now everything is in motion, and the main factor in the coming changes should be the widespread replacement of the puppets of the deep state with honest, decent and reasonable politicians who think about the interests of the people.
And in this process you can also take an active part, using your intuition and the hints of the Forces of Light.
Surely each of you knows the names of those people in your countries who showed themselves to be the best in this fateful period of change for everyone.
Many of you are already able to “read” their vibration levels, which will help you avoid the mistakes that are common to those who are accustomed to believing the beautiful words and false promises of today’s corrupt government officials.
As you can see, my dears, the time has come when you will have to actively create a new reality, using theoretical knowledge, practical and energetic work, your intuition and the power of intention.
By and large, this is precisely your mission, for which you incarnated, to experience Ascension in your physical body yourself and to help others do the same.
And I bless you for this!
The Father-Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you
Accepted by Marta on February 24, 2025
Источник: https://vozrojdeniesveta.com/istoriya-chelovechestva-missiya-sotvorenie-novoj-realnosti/#ixzz91MdCfFXu
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