Friday, February 28, 2025



the history of humanity does not fall into eternityHello, my dear beloved children!

Today I want to talk to you about how you should respond to the positive news that will be coming out more and more every day.

We have already talked a lot with you about the fact that any excessive emotions, whether negative or positive, carry disharmonious energies of low vibrations.

You may ask me: “Is it bad to rejoice at the successes of the Forces of Light on the world stage, especially since we have been waiting for this for so long?”

And I will answer you: “Of course, you can and should be happy about this, but just don’t fall into euphoria.”

Why is this so important?

The thing is that euphoria involuntarily throws you out of balance, as a result of which you lose the ability to objectively assess the situation.

And now it is very important: to rejoice in successes without losing vigilance.

The enemy in the person of the Dracoreptiles and the pyramid of power they created is too dangerous to forget about its existence.

Moreover, his puppets in power are not free to act, as they are bound hand and foot by blackmail and threats from the deep state.

As you know, they fear him much more than their own people.

Therefore, under any circumstances, no matter how events unfold on Earth, they will go to the end in an attempt to fully fulfill the tasks set before them.

Which is what you can see now in many countries around the world.

And the now famous phrase that “a cornered predator is especially dangerous” reflects the current state of affairs in the best possible way.

If, intoxicated by positive news, you forget about the danger threatening you, a quick sobering up may occur, leading to disappointment and sadness.

In other words, the scales can quickly swing in the other direction, and your “sobering up” will lead to an outburst of already negative emotions, and therefore a lowering of your vibrations.

So how can you find the golden mean in your attitude to news of all kinds?

Try, my dears, to look at everything with a calm and wise smile, without “jumping to the ceiling” with happiness at the sight of good news and without falling into despondency at the sight of bad news, so as not to “spill” your state of harmony and peace, characteristic of a person whose consciousness has already gone beyond the dual world.

Always remember that Light and Darkness still coexist in your world, and in order to finally dissolve Darkness, you need not rare, albeit bright flashes, but an even and continuous glow .

And such a “glow” can be your balanced and harmonious internal state in any circumstances – both joyful and sorrowful.

Always remember this, my dears.

The Father-Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you

Accepted by Marta on February 26, 2025

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