Thursday, February 27, 2025

OUR JOINT ASCENSION (FEATURES OF THE MENTAL BODY) February 26, 2018 Ascended Masters , Yeshua our-joint-ascension-is-special


our-joint-ascension-is-specialHello, my dear beloved souls!

Today I would like to finish the conversation about the mental body and reveal to you the mechanism of its interaction with the other subtle bodies of a person.

Since it, just like its sensory organ, the heart chakra, is located in the middle, that is, on the border separating the earthly and heavenly hypostases of man, it is a kind of buffer between the three lower and three upper bodies.

Thus, in addition to its direct functions, it also carries an additional burden.

To help you better understand what I'm talking about, let's take this example.

The tragic death of someone close to you.

As a rule, after the initial shock, you begin to analyze the situation: why it happened and how unfair it is, you begin to feel sorry for the departed and yourself, who is left alone, and someone feels guilty that they did not protect their loved one, were unable to prevent the tragedy.

In short, there are so many thoughts swarming in your head that your mental body is simply “choking” in this flow.

And all these thoughts are supplied by your lower bodies, which over the course of many years have grown together, become related to the subtle bodies of the departed person, intertwined with him by energy fields, and now it is difficult for them to part with a part of themselves...

Indeed, on the subtle plane, people who love each other and are spiritually close, who have lived together for many years, often already have a single aura. And when one of them leaves the physical plane, the other experiences incredible pain.

And this pain is taken on by your mental body.

This happens to almost all people whose vibrations do not go beyond the three-dimensional world.

But there are other examples – those rare exceptions when the spiritual level of people allows them to consider the departure of loved ones not as death, but as a Transition either to another world or to another dimension.

And such a person is able to sincerely rejoice for his beloved, who has already reached the goal - the one to which they went together, and he knows that his Soul is now at Home in peace and harmony, that he has moved to a new level of being.

And then, instead of suffering and crying, he sends him all his Love, knowing that they have not parted, but only now exist on different sides of the veil separating the dense and subtle worlds.

In such a case, the mental body of that person receives energies of high vibrations that radiate from his causal, buddhic and atmic bodies.

It does not experience stress and is in a harmonious state, since thoughts about the departed are of a calm, loving nature.

I have shown you the two extremes again so that you can clearly and vividly trace the mechanism of information reception by the human mental body.

In fact, each of you reacts to any event so individually that the range of your emotions and thoughts is truly endless.

But the main thing you need to remember in order to protect and cleanse your mental body is that you are omnipotent, you have power over your feelings and thoughts.

You have already gone beyond the three-dimensional world, which means that all your thoughts and emotions already have a different energetic content.

Maintain this high level, do not cross the line that separates your stay in the higher spheres of existence from the world that has already become alien to you, from which you have already escaped...

Raise your consciousness above your mental body – to where your Divine essence lives!

And I bless you for this, my dears!

Yeshua, who loves you with all his heart, spoke to you

Accepted by Marta on February 17, 2018

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