
I am Mira, from the Pleiadian High Council, and I am speaking to my Brothers and Sisters of planet Earth. In each message we bring a new piece of truth and disclose evidence to support the event, which occurred on your world.
Today, I am going to reveal some information about planets in other parts of the Universe. In higher dimensions & in the Cosmos, there are much more colors available than in your 3D reality, the colors are brighter, more refined and richer. Our oceans are bigger compared to yours, as our planets are usually larger than Gaia. The oceans & beaches are in variety of colors purple, orange, bright pink, neon green, cyan, magenta and colors that you have never seen on Mother Earth or have forgotten about from your Galactic lives. There some different colors of oceans on your planet, but not that many like crystal clear blue, yellow, green, and brown.
You do have some unusual appearance happen usually at night in the ocean waters, in some parts of the globe like bioluminescence. This is when the water in the ocean glows in pink and blue colors from the living organisms releasing energy from a chemical reaction. There are some pink colored sand on the beaches in your world, like in Indonesia & Bahamas, the brightest pink colored sand is manmade in China. The pinkest body of water you have is not an ocean, but the Pink Sea in Colombia.
Humankind likes to spent a lot of time thinking about negative possibilities. You heard quite often from your scientists about events that could happen, like the creation of Dark Matter or a Black Hole in space that opens up, which can swallow the whole Cosmos. In another scenario of an asteroid that can collide with planet Gaia or climate change that can melt the ice in North or South Poles or different negative events which will end the world and etc. All of these represent a dark outlook inherited by humans from Darkness. The Universe is endless and timeless, and it has been in existence forever. If any possibilities would occur that would threaten the existence of life in the Cosmos, one of more than quadrillions Galactic Civilizations would prevent these type of destruction with their advanced technology.
Also, Ashtar Command & the Galactic Light Forces would not allow any Catastrophic Event to end the existence of humanity. We, Galactic Beings, keep expanding our horizons in learning, observing and constantly absorbing more knowledge. Receiving it from the Universal Consciousness. I am grateful to have met an uncounted number of the beings from other Star Systems, Universes, Galaxies and Planets. I don’t focus on negative events, instead I look for the solution to the situation, if they are a real threat and not some speculation. It doesn’t matter on how deeply I am affected, the main focus is to resolve it, as soon possible without any delay.
We do not project negativity for the future, as our goal is to help raise awareness in other civilizations and help them to move forward, and not backwards. The exploration of the Universe through my missionary work, it’s very rewarding to see on how Galactic beings move into higher dimensions. Judgment only slows down the progress of any race. We, Light Beings, strive to live peacefully in this big Cosmos. Your planet is very small like a drop in a big ocean, in which humans will be lost in, if they don’t follow the spiritual path of Ascension.
Humankind needs to stop focusing on meaningless stuff and start doing serious spiritual work, instead of expecting being saved by their vision of human leaders, who in reality do not match that image at all. Many people are creating their own narrative, on how the Ascension Process is going to happen or who saves them. So far your reality has now more chaos than in the previous year, 2025 is going to show exactly, on who is the Light and who is not. One day you will realize that many of you wasted a lot of your time on none important topics, instead of just seeing the truth without being upset about it.
If you work hard on your Ascension, you are going to see positive results or if you spend most of your time trying to attack the truth, it’s guaranteed you will end up on a 2D planet or lower. It’s everyone’s free will & choice, where they are going to end up. Be aware you are the creator of your own destiny. Please, receive my Love and Support. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.
Always Stay Tuned to the Truth
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces
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