Saturday, September 14, 2024

Twin Towers - September 11, 2001 - John F. Kennedy - Channeled by Erena Velazquez Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces

All of the terrorists, 👨‍✈️pilots and passengers were made up and did not exist. The recorded 📱phone calls from the passengers from the commercial ✈️planes, the 🎥interviews by their supposedly loved ones, all of the people, who said they saw airplanes hitting the Twin Towers in the interviews were staged. Remember the ⬛️Dark Ones planned this attack for a few years. Their goal was to stop the launch of a new 💲financial system on that day for humanity, which unfortunately they succeeded. The second reason was to have an excuse to start more wars, the war on terror, as it’s good for business to make lots of 💰money on human suffering.
After September 11, 2001 the ⬛️Negative Ones started war in 🇮🇶Iraq, which was based on a complete lie, they never found any weapons of mass 💥destruction. The main reasons the Dark American government went to war with Iraq, because Sudam Hussein refused to follow their orders, to control and steal the resources from the country like 🛢️oil and 🟨gold.
John F. Kennedy
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces
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