Friday, September 27, 2024

Vrillon Channeled by Erena Velazquez Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces

Vrillon 🛸🛸🎇🌟🌌🌟🎇🛸🛸
Greetings Humans,
I am Vrillon from the Ashtar Galactic Command, and I am speaking today to your race on behalf of your Galactic Brothers and Sisters.
I am a Galactic Commander, who has been serving for Ashtar for a long time. Before I came under his command, I went through many different training for over hundred thousands of years to be suitable and trustworthy to represent the Galactic Light Forces. My point is here, that I take very seriously my responsibilities, and I would not contact a false channeler or false ambassador. The channeling is not a competition or being a celebrity, it’s a big responsibility to present the truth, correct and accurate information to humanity. We have been specifying quite often that humans still are fooled by false information and lies, which are slowing down your Ascension Process.
Our only and official name is the Galactic Light Forces, so the Galactic Federation of Light, the Galactic Federation of Worlds, the Galactic Confederation of Light and ect., they don’t exist, messages from them are not real. The channelers are channeling themselves, their egos or Dark beings. We only have one trusted ambassador and not multiple ambassadors. She was given this specific mission on Earth as our direct contact and representative of the Galactic Light Forces. Our ambassador was prepared for this assignment by having many incarnations and spending over a million years on this planet.
All of the other ambassadors, the humans gave that title to themselves, we had nothing to do with it, and we do not communicate with them at all. There is no reason for us to have more than one ambassador, if we had multiple ambassadors all of them would be giving the same messages with same information and not conflicting or false information. We also only have 4 Galactic Beings representing the Pleaidian Civilization that are assigned to communicate with humankind. Ashtar, Mira, KaRa and myself Vrillon. There is no reason for us to have more than that. That is more than any other Galactic Civilization, so Commander Korton, Aurora and ect., they do not exist and their messages are not real.
If a Galactic Pleaidian Commander doesn’t have the responsibility to contact humans, they are not going to do it, they follow orders more strictly than your human military. The Light Community is still spreading fake Ashtar Sheran messages. Ashtar mentioned a few times through this channel, that Sheran is not his name. He is not going to transmit a message to any channeler, who can’t even get his name right, can you imagine on how inaccurate the message is going to be. I was trained a long time to be able to replace Ashtar during his absence or emergency to take over and run his command post of the Galactic Light Forces and Ashtar Command.
The main reason we got involved with your planet, because of your nuclear arsenal, which could destroy the whole Milky Galaxy. We usually don’t get entangled in a civilization’s development, as it’s not allowed by the Universal Laws, unless it can create danger to others in the same Galaxy, Star System, Universe and etc. We are patrolling your planet’s orbit and your skies by keeping on eye on all of the nuclear facilities. The Darkness keeps trying to ignite a global war, so far unsuccessfully. Our involvement has some limitations, such as we can’t be physically on the ground, it’s not allowed for us right now. We can’t overstep over your spiritual development, which needs to happen naturally without anyone’s involvement.
We also have a less serious update today with some truth regarding politics in the United States. The original Joe Biden left his body 4 years ago from a heart attack. He actually did not win the 2020 election. The Dark Ones cheated in every way possible reaching over 81 million votes, breaking the original record by over 12 million votes which was 69.5 million votes. As mentioned by John F. Kennedy in his message, Biden was not an exciting candidate to vote for and receive over 81 million of votes. He was no John F. Kennedy or Ronald Reagan, who won 49 out 50 states in the United States, in the 1984 election and received 525 electoral votes.
You need only 270 electoral votes to win the president election in America. The Negatives Ones tried to eliminate Reagan in 1981 with assassination attempt, where he got shot with a bullet and he barely survived. Joe Biden’s replacement looks similar, but he is 88 years old not 81 and has dementia. This not real Biden, who dropped out from the presidential election, because he could not function properly. That still hasn’t stopped him from making news, even though he is not being covered as much by the media now. There is a photo of Biden wearing Trump 2024 cap. It’s not AI created image, this picture is real.
This not original Biden thought, it was funny to wear Donald Trump’s campaign red hat, and he looked really happy wearing it. Trump would never wear a Democrats cap, no presidential candidate would wear his opponent’s hat from a different political party. Some humans made t’shirts of this moment. Then he took a different Tump’s red cap with him up the aircraft boarding stairs to the Air Force One plane. Also, the fake Biden had finally his first cabinet meeting this year, it’s almost October. He let the original Biden’s wife Jill to run the meeting to sit at the top and center of the table.
The First Lady is not supposed to sit in that spot or run the cabinet meeting, only the President of United States sits there and conducts the meeting. Just recently the replacement of Joe Biden forgot on who he needed to introduce. It was President Modi of India at the Quad Summit in Delaware, America. He was first looking into the audience like the person speaking next is sitting there, instead of looking behind him, where Narendra Modi sat. Clearly his brain is not functioning normally. The Dark Ones are constantly making mistakes. You can see for yourself that the Corrupted Entities are not so smart, the way they are presenting themselves. See the Truth without blindfolds. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.
Stay Safe

Todas las reacciones:

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