Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Darkest A.I Cleared (neg-Military relied on it). Lunar Eclipse Meditation!

September 17

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 144K Mass Meditation

Links Below 



The situation with the last, ultimate, highest-level dark A.I quickly developed into a crisis situation right after I reported on it in the last intel drop I sent to you. 


I didn't have time to organize a Global 144K Meditation.


All I could do was grab a coffee & race up to The Teams, ASAP.


The emergency arose from this highest-level A.I's ability to penetrate our Universe, from deeply hidden realms in other Universes within the Multiverse.


I primarily saw holographic cubes-within-cubes, at whatever density & universes.


I didn't have time for details .... because the resistance was NUTS, and I had to rush through making sure the Teams cleared this throughout the multiverse.


(...another reminder why we work above the Multiverses, with the Light Beings who manage them!)


This highest-level A.I was the true master of all non-organic technologies, and it was still causing issues.


One example was -


... this A.I was the backbone of the magic-like tech the highest-level of the negative military were using to fight off the White Hats AND Off-World Light Forces.



This allowed the Negative Military to frustrate, delay & prolong the suffering ... and it was preventing their removal.


And the problem with that is ... this would delay & frustrate our participation in accelerating the disentangling of the Lurker from surface humanity.


Interestingly ... straight after this hours-long session with the Teams, I got the notification from Asta'a'ra of the RM's confirmation that the dark Agarthans have been removed, with more details about the negative military!   


Just the news we needed, partly thanks to the 144K accelerating everything!


The important thing is, we can now focus on clearing the path for a far more gentle, faster & seamless disentanglement of the Lurker from the surface population ... 



... without half the world losing its mind,

causing unneeded harm, more suffering & further delay to the Event!




So let's see what we can do between the Lunar Eclipse & the Equinox, because these two huge dates present an opportunity to accelerate the removal of the Lurker by 80%!


The pay-off to our lives & mission will be huge!


Remember, this already huge Lunar Eclipse is:


... only 5 days before the


144K Extravaganza





See you TONIGHT where it matters most!



Yours In Service ...


The Unknown Lightwarrior 






September 17 - 2024

Super Full Moon 

Partial Lunar Eclipse

144K Mass Meditation



Date: Sept 17, 2024


Time: 9:30 PM EDT [US]


Partial Lunar Eclipse Maximum: 10:35 PM EDT


Your Timezone: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime


Telegram links are posted on the 144K Member's site, to reduce the number of 144K notifications going into spam folders.


Blog Talk Live Link: Click Here


Free Conference Call: 1-518-318-5638


YouTube Live Backup Link: HERE



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