Friday, September 20, 2024

KaRa Channeled by Erena Velazquez Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces

KaRa 🛸✨🩵🌌💠🌌🩵✨🛸
I am KaRa, and I am pleased to be back today and continue the Galactic Disclosure of truth about your reality. I serve as the Pleiadian Emissary and I am in charge of the Earth High Council. Also, I am involved with Ashtar Command with the process of Ascension on your planet.
Your governments are not going to change even, if you are going to elect new ones, their replacements are chosen by Darkness. They will continue to escalate the military conflicts between different nations. They love wars, which make them more rich. These behaviors will result in karmic consequences of loosing the right for incarnations and ending up in a bubble form in the Universal Consciousness. The Controllers have shown a shortness of vision by thinking that nothing can happen to them.
If your world ends up in a nuclear fallout, they will also be forced out of their physical vessels. They have been trying for years to create a Global War, so far it didn’t work for them. The Dark Entities, who worship Satanism, celebrate their actions by bringing suffering to humankind. Anything they try to do, never goes as it was planned. We consistently have been protecting Mother Gaia from space attacks and we have tested our spaceships in your 3D realty, in case of the emergency we would have to land on Earth.
The Divine took over your planet. Many things are changing so rapidly that dimensions are clashing with each other like the appearance of three moons in the United States. Mother Earth has two moons, one of them is artificial, and the second one is real. Most of the time you see the fake moon. The real moon has been damaged from the battles between the Reptilians and the Galactic Light Forces. The Dark Forces base on the Moon has been destroyed.
The appearance of the three moons in America was caused by the lower and higher dimensions clashing with each other. This is on why they were visible in the sky, the real moon and the fake one at the same time. The third one was a shadow from the real moon. The superficial moon doesn’t have shadows. The rise of the Human Collective Consciousness is shifting the balance between the negative and the positive energies. The Darkness can’t hide anymore its Evil intentions.
Please, focus on how you can help yourself and others to make changes for the better. Your soul is your guide and not your mind or ego. The desire to have a lot of money, it’s not going to lead anyone to the Ascension, it’s the opposite you will end up in a lower dimension. Raise your vibrations by doing daily silent meditations. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces. Please, accept my Supreme Love.
You Choose Your Own Path
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces

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