Saturday, September 21, 2024

Message from the Angels - Ann Albers

Message from the Angels
Messages from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

It would be easy to look at some of the things going on in your world and become discouraged, but take a step back and ask yourself, "What am I looking at most often," and "How am I perceiving what I see?" These questions will dictate your life experience.

You can't necessarily change external reality, but you can change what you look at, how you look at it, and how you interpret the experience. You can look at life and your world from many different angles. You can filter your experience through many different perspectives. Like a photographer selecting the proper scene and the most desirable lens, you can become the curator of your life experience. 

A good photographer who sees a less-than-desirable scene through their viewfinder would change one of two things. They would point their camera at a different scene or change the lens through which they look.

One photographer can capture the gloom of a cloudy day, while others will take advantage of the clouds to capture the contrasting beauty of a tree or the mystery of hills shrouded in mist.  

Just like that photographer who can't change the day's weather or move a cell phone tower out of an otherwise beautifully natural scene, you can't always change a situation or a person. Sometimes, you work with people who are real characters. Sometimes, you live with an angry spouse. Sometimes, your news is bombarding you with unpleasant situations. However, you can always "point your camera" elsewhere. You can always change the lens through which you look.

"Pointing your camera" elsewhere is a metaphor for choosing something different to observe. On a cloud day, you can focus on your cozy home. When your spouse is grumpy, you can focus on the reasons why you love them to begin with. When the news bombards you with unpleasantness, you can "point your camera" at better news and kind people.

Your lens, metaphorically speaking, is how you choose to view a situation when you look at it. It is how you choose to "filter" the reality that you see in front of you.  If you look at someone doing something unthinkable, feel hatred, and can't find a better lens, "point your camera" elsewhere!" If you can look at this same person through the lens of your soul, you can say a prayer, emanate some compassion, or choose to look at something good about this individual. If you can't do these things, then "point the camera" elsewhere.

You will have a much greater quality of life if you learn to change the lens through which you look at life or "point the camera" elsewhere.  Your soul always looks through the lens of love and compassion. Sometimes, you can see through this lens, and other times, it feels too difficult to align with that view.  It is OK. 

When you look at anything through the lens of love, compassion, or appreciation, you will feel better,  emanate a higher vibration, and attract better. When you "point your camera" at something you like, you will also feel better,  emanate a higher vibration, and attract better. Either choice will bring you a better life and improvements in any situation you face.

In this fashion, dear ones, you create your own reality. A photographer creates their own reality in the same manner, looking at life, choosing the scene, and choosing the lens. You don't change external reality by trying to change it, but sometimes, you can influence external reality by choosing a better scene or a better lens. Your view of another's goodness can help them choose better behaviors. Your confidence in another's ability can help them find more of their own confidence. Your focus on what is good in the world or even what could be an improvement will give energy to those better situations.

You can't change a difficult person, but you can look at kind people or change the way you view this difficult individual. You can't bring someone back who has transitioned, but you can look through the lens of eternity and reach for the connection you so dearly desire. You can't change your finances immediately, but can count your blessings. You can't change the politicians or governments all at once, but you can have a beautiful influence in your own sphere of influence.

Dear ones, become the curators of your own life experience. Earth offers more contrast and variety than any other system in the created universe. You came here knowing this. You came here for the variety. You came here understanding that you would "point your camera" at those things you wanted to activate in your own personal reality and that you could "choose a lens" that would help you see and attract more beauty, love, grace, and kindness in your own life.  You need not let the world point your camera and choose your lens. This is your life and your experience to create.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

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