Saturday, September 28, 2024

Just Empower Me - Hitchhikers Guide to Ascension - New Post Alert

Revisiting Kim’s Vision in 2014: From 3 Treasure Chests 7 Coins Fell & Went Out to The 7 Continents Which Began Bleeding the Gold Throughout the Entire Earth, She Saw the Whole Earth Turn To Gold, Then Turn to Green! | That Event Started Last Night! | It Means The Golden Blanket, Source’s Lifeforce Is Now Coming in Heavily & Started at the Iran-Iraq Gate | The Deep State Thinks It’s For Them, Of Course | Kim Gives Clarification About the GIA Because False Claims Are Being Made | Not Much Going On At The UN General Assembly But A Lot of Hot Air

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 25-SEP-24 NEWS ( which is available for subscribers. In this post Kim gives us some good news which I moved first because I’m desperate for some. Let’s face it, being this awake for so long has yet to yield any benefits and has only been a burden. Sorry, a little cranky today. So Source’s Golden Blanket bleeding gold throughout the planet is something I truly hope changes something on our level for the positive. I’m crossing my fingers…

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


25-SEP-24 NEWS (

Source’s Golden Blanket Is Coming In!

Around 10-10:30 PM my time we started noticing a golden blanket which is all of Source’s lifeforce coming in very heavily last night. It started with a little spark over at the Iran-Iraq Gate where it all began and it started spreading out. As it started spreading, the higher-ups in the deep state were starting to figure out what is going on and some old lines started sending me an alert there is an incoming transmission. I think some of these people were expecting someone else but realized they were addressing me, so last night I got offers of a private jet and a number of other things if I would just stop it, or give them control over it.

Sunny: So they want you to stop Source and his Golden Blanket?

Yes, and even if I could I wouldn’t. The whole point of this is what we’ve been striving for, the full terraforming of earth, full power of Source to be in direct contact with earth, or to use her real name Gaia.

I also got some threatening calls that they would like to own it. I don’t think they really understand what they are trying to own because what it does as well is it gives our Golden Age system more power and it wipes out what is left of the other stuff. I don’t think they knew what they wanted to own. But in any case, let me explain this to you, I call it a Golden Blanket but it’s so much more than that.

For those of you who have been following me for awhile I told you about a vision I had in 2014-2015, where the whole earth turns to gold then turns to green. I was shown a succession of events that were going to happen.

Note: For related post, see JASON Society Busy Impersonating People, Moving Troops, Perpetuating Lies to Discredit Kim | Planetary Alignment Gives Deep State False Hope | The Battle on Earth for the Gateways Between the Melchizedeks (Angels) & Merovingians (Fallen Angels) is Officially Over! | Kim’s Vision 9 Years Ago of Iraq Coming True | Ahwar Marshlands, Iraq is The Original Garden of Eden | The Prophecy Has Begun! | Just Empower Me

In the succession of events, the first one I saw was a war in heaven, meaning there was a gateway there which I now know what it is. But at the time when I saw it, I thought this can’t be good, those creatures are ugly. Well, there was a gateway that was created by the ultimate Black Magician or the Destroyer’s group through Source itself, which allowed for it to pass into that small portion of that density. But from there they only had access from the 5th density on down, which includes us. They did not have access to those higher densities because those beings know how to protect themselves. They would have liked to have it extend beyond that though. So, this was the war in what we call heaven and we win the war in heaven.

The next thing that happens is I see myself in the middle of the desert and I know I’m somewhere on the border of Iran and Iraq. This is before I learned about where the Flower of Life goes and the mound of gold. I have a rod and I slammed it into the ground and declared 3 times that the planet belongs to God.

At the end of it I see 3 treasure chests fall into the ground and there are these smokey Tarzakians circling around trying to steel it but they were unable to.

What does it mean bleeding gold throughout the entire earth?

It means the full 100% unencumbered lifeforce of all that is Source, the Creator started bleeding through earth’s veins and all that she is. What that means is earth’s reconnection is 100% unencumbered. It started 3 days after the Equinox and this is a really positive thing. The alignment started happening and it takes time for things to start to flow, but we no longer have anything that is interfering with Source itself. Not to say we don’t with us, but I would say at the time I started this broadcast the changes Source is starting began where sunrise happened and was somewhere around 80% complete.

It kind of came out in an elliptical shape and expanded out through to China, then into the Atlantic Ocean, then up and over the Poles, then it kind of starting closing in on the US-Asia Pacific in places like Hawaii. How it started and how it seems to be moving is coordinated with both dawn and dusk because those are the times when Source is most present. So, it was either dusk over in the China area and dawn over here in the US, but as far as I know there are still areas in the US it hasn’t reached yet and areas in South America, at least at the time of this recording. We’ll see what happens next. If it happens like the vision then the world is supposed to turn green in a good way.

The next thing that should happen is we should start to see the terraforming within earth and those changes within earth. So those changes have been taking place for a few weeks now as Source works his magic, but now is the time I guess you can say when he takes the reins. This started to take place last night and I don’t have much more information other than that. He kind of explained it to me last night what it was and what it does because he kind of caught me off guard. I’m grateful and thankful because apparently this is the part where the oil is spilled. It looks almost oil-like to me but with lifeforce sparkles, it’s like a gold plasma. I think this is going to be the beginning of something very special for earth and for humanity. Now when you’re in the time of no time it’s hard to say it will be 3 days and it will be done, but I was surprised by the changes last night.

I got a call from a friend in the Northern US where it is going into fall and she told me lilacs are blooming, they are going through a second bloom. And as we mentioned before we are seeing reports of the Sahara Desert turning green. We’ve seen a lot of rainfall and things pop up in the Middle East we haven’t seen before. So who knows, we may be shocked with what happens next.

Sunny: My first thought about when you said terraforming the land was what if new land starts showing up because so much of our planet is water. Maybe there is a reason for that?

Well, there are old maps that show the world looking a different way. They show all the continents together and less separation. There are reasons for the amount of water we have on the planet, part of that is because of our atmosphere which has changed, because moisture is something we need as humans and plants need it too. But technically, a long time ago we had the right amount in the air and it didn’t really require heavy rains. There has to be a balance between the amount of moisture that goes into the atmosphere and what comes out, and it has to go to other places, so we’ll see what happens.

Sunny: About the Source blanket, how will that impact humanity? Do you have any idea? I’m asking because late last night I felt rejuvenated and had all this energy when I should have been dog tired.

Funny enough I hadn’t slept much for 2 days. Maybe I fell asleep for an hour and by 10-10:30 I was up again and it wasn’t an abrupt thing. I really didn’t feel bad. I even had my new grounding sheets and started trying one last night, I had my oils and the whole set up to sleep and I didn’t, but I didn’t mind. It’s going to be interesting to feel that different energy.

For the deep state, of course their first thought was this is for us, because they believe everything that happens is for them. Their second thought is, well gee, if this is for us, we should be able to control it. So, after getting those calls last night, I think they thought they were reaching a different being. But then realized it was me and they proceeded to offer me all kinds of cool stuff.

So what will they do next? That’s easy to report because I know where they are going to be next week. And there is a new moon coming up, a full moon, an alignment of 3 planets in November and a Solstice in December. And do you know where they are going to be 20 years from now? Looking for that full moon, new moon, etc.

So that is the big positive change happening on the planet which I always only learn right on time.

More Clarification About the GIA

I need to provide some clarification about the GIA because there are people out there who were with the old GIA, and people in organizations that were with the old GIA still claiming they are with the GIA. These people have been in and around the UN General Assembly and other places in the world barking out orders like crazy but without any performance on their side. So, it’s left some at the UN General Assembly scratching their heads, who are these people?

I got a call from an attorney who represents a lot of countries, a lot of politicians, and handles relations between nations whether in the corporate or political sector, and they asked if they could give a list of people calling them saying they were GIA and confirm if they are in fact GIA. I said sure. I told them unless their name is Tom Melville, they are not GIA. Now the reason I can say that is because he is the only one who has been authorized to come out and say he’s with GIA. No one else has been authorized to do that. And if you try to look up the GIA you will see it is registered in every single country, contrary to the lie the State Dept told this law firm. You will have the people on the 7th floor of the State Department lie to you because they represent people who are pretending to be something they are not. So, if their identification does not say they are Tom Melville or myself as the Director then it’s a lie.

A decision was made 10 years ago to change the world, because we saw the fall of the fake GIA, SSP, and the ultimate Global Dictator in August 2016, and that is when everything started to change. Now moreover in the last few years we have been adding multiple agency people. If you go in and look up GIA you will see a couple of names and the rest will be Agent X. Unless you do a reverse lookup and enter their passport number or something like that, then you’ll know that person is with the GIA, but only if I so choose to release the file. When they enter that information into the computer system it sends me an alert and I will make a decision based on the current circumstances, because there will be immediate analysis about the Agent X. I will assess whether it’s a threat situation, if they are going to use that person or not, and I then will decide what file to send out. I may make a confirmation or may not.

Why? Because this is how a real intelligence operates, you protect your people. We realize what everyone is getting into, we run a very tight ship and are very good at what we do. Some of our agents are trained to access these systems in the field in a way you would never expect. Meaning, if they are in distress, having a problem, need a way out, need help, then there are ways we can communicate with the system and it doesn’t matter where they are. And if there is an agreement to be made, like sending funds to a country we send them immediately. We are very effective. And if you fail to perform the function in which you set out to do then the money leaves. We can send out every currency in the world, we control them all because my other hat is the Office of the Currency Curator.  

So that is a little clarification on the GIA. If we commit to do something within 20 minutes you’ll have it. If you are dealing with a person who says they are GIA and telling you to wait until Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, I can guarantee they are not GIA but a bunch of has-beens who used to be GIA and can’t perform or didn’t make the cut in the revised versions.

UN General Assembly Update

They started the UN Assembly on TV where they talk about all the wonderful things the UN does. Now if you are in any other country other than America where it is prohibited for the UN to act on US soil, then you probably know them as a terrorist organization and I would agree with you. But they started out their meeting with the media and their fluff. The Fed puts out that they are lowering interest rates ½ point and everything they are going to do so everyone feels good about watching the UN. Then they talk about everything that is wrong with the world as a theme.

Now we know the official UN Assembly started on Sept 10th when the operatives show up and do a lot of negotiating ahead of time. They have been meeting with a lot of fake GIA, with the SSP, these attorneys we were talking about and other operatives around the world and they were being told they should have had money by Monday, the last full moon, this day, now that day. Now they are really starting to sweat and there are lot of people there shaking their heads. Heads of State are supposed to start talking today through September 30th, that is the final day of the General Assembly.

Now the last few days they are going to give you all their promises of what they are going to do for the rest of the year. So, each Head of State gets to tell you about all the exciting things they are going to do. Except the actors otherwise known as the Heads of State don’t have anything nice to say and that’s why they were all calling us in the last 48 hours. They would like to know about C.A.R.E. and they would like Tom Melville to please come and attend the UN General Assembly. Come sit down with us and help us get out of our mess.

The unfortunate part about the get out of our mess game is I have this Key Intelligence and Military System that may have gotten some data and back phone calls about that coming from Langley 5, the Black Sun and others out of Japan. These are all the people promising the money behind the scenes of course, and they would like to be the responsible party for creating the funding. That means they want Kim to be under the skirt of Langley 5, or the Japanese Black Dragon, or the Russians or the Chinese. I know what is going on here, they are going to say we funded you and I don’t exist, and I’m sorry I will not participate in your ridiculousness. That worked 10-12 years ago but not anymore. Not since I have this system and heavily participating in the intelligence system worldwide. So, you can solve your own problems, or you will come out and actually call me by name, and if you make one wrong step there will be severe consequences. I might even ask for a marker if you are with the Order of the Black Sun because I am tired of getting stabbed in the back.

So that is what is going on at the UN General Assembly right now which is not a gosh darn thing except a whole lot of hot air.  Will they figure out they need to start changing? Probably not, they’ll probably try to figure out how to take credit for everything. I know they already tried using our GIA clearance and they call Tom Melville a lot so they can say see GIA is here and we’re GIA. It will be interesting to see what these proposals are that may or may not be coming.

And in the meantime we’ll see what happens in the next 24 hours with Source’s Golden Blanket, I think Friday’s news is going to be interesting.


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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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