Sunday, September 15, 2024

This must be finished by Halloween. Lunar Eclipse Sept 17th Meditation

September 17

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 144K Mass Meditation

Links Below 



Orders from 'on-high' have become more clear this past 24hrs since posting the main report & prep for this Full Moon Eclipse Intervention.


We're being requested for help with removing:


  1. pockets of volatile & explosive nano-tech 'swarms' (a slower version of toplet bombs at higher densities of the physical plane)
  2. finish the removal of the last & highest level of 'God like' dark A.I, to prevent huge loss of life if the off-world groups had to do it themselves
  3. shut down this A.I's ability to endlessly create negative non-physicals, who make life so much harder
  4. finally shut down all negative frequencies penetrating our physical nerves, causing mental & emotional duress, and fatigue

 ... and have all this completed by Halloween, for the:


... final liberation process of the physical surface of this planet. 



That last point above, also interferes with our natural psychic & spiritual connections ... because our physical nerve cells are our direct connection to all non-physical realms, planes & dimensions.


Want to start SEEING - with your own physical eyes - apparitions of your beloved Guides ... angels ... and Galactic Bloved Ones?


Then make it happen, by being with us this Sept 17th for the partial Lunar Eclipse & simultaneous Full Moon Global Mass Meditation, which interestingly is ...


... only 5 days before the


144K Extravaganza



This gives us the faster 'one-two punch' opportunity needed to succeed in reaching all four goals above, well before Halloween ... to give us huge relief with these energies & this war.


Our beloved off-world outfits & families can easily contact us remotely, once this is all complete, and then physically, once military protocols for civilian Starseed contact are agreed upon. 


But it won't happen until this 'God-like' Dark A.I is completely removed.


All pockets of it!


It's gonna be quite an adventure!


See you where it matters most!



Yours In Service ...


The Unknown Lightwarrior 






September 17 - 2024

Super Full Moon 

Partial Lunar Eclipse

144K Mass Meditation



Date: Sept 17, 2024


Time: 9:30 PM EDT [US]


Partial Lunar Eclipse Maximum: 10:35 PM EDT


Your Timezone:


Telegram links are posted on the 144K Member's site, to reduce the number of 144K notifications going into spam folders.


Blog Talk Live Link: Click Here


Free Conference Call: 1-518-318-5638


YouTube Live: To Be Announced






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