Saturday, September 28, 2024

Message from the Angels - Your Divine Concierge - Ann Albers

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Imagine having a personal concierge for your life. 
Imagine this person knows even better than you how to manage your life's challenges, solve your problems, and guide you to the things and people that will soothe and uplift you. Imagine that this person is so trustworthy that you never have to worry about how your challenges will be resolved. Imagine this person is so loving that you know they will always strive to create the best solutions for all involved. Imagine that this person will let you know exactly what you need to do and when, and your only job is to be accessible when they call and willing to act on their loving guidance.

You do have this being, dear ones. Your personal concierge in life is the Creator of Universes—the infinite field of love, intelligence, and energy that sources life.  We, the angels, are One with this Presence, as are you.  We are part of your loving team. We want you to have the loving experiences you wish to create. We want you to find the joy in life. We are here to guide you in the kindest and most loving way possible.

Your only job is to be accessible, vibrationally speaking, so you can receive our loving signals and be willing to act when inspired.

Most of you have been raised to believe you must serve God, please God, and earn God's loving approval. You have learned to ask for mercy and prove your worthiness. These notions are based on a human understanding of God. Would a cell need to serve the body in any way other than maintaining its own well-being? Would a cell need the body's approval to receive its support? Would a cell ask for mercy or prove its worthiness? Dear ones, you are worthy because you exist. You are supported because you are an integral part of the one. You are loved. You are part of the very Creator and Creation, as surely as a wave is part of the ocean and yet unique in its own journey and form.

You do not have to prove your worthiness. You do not have to earn love. You are loved because you exist. You are worthy because you exist. You are guided because it is the joy of the One to have all of its "Cells" or "souls," in your case, happy, healthy, and satisfied.

This is such a hard concept for humanity to grasp because you have been raised with God on a pedestal and you beneath, rather than in the true understanding of your integral connection with all that is.

When you give a problem to God, you are a cell asking the body for support. When you surrender a desire to heaven, you are a wave asking the ocean to propel it. When you relax into the creator's love, you are allowing your "ego" or personality to surrender to the larger being that you are already one with.

Dear ones, giving your problems to God is not abdicating responsibility. It is partnering with Creation. Asking the Divine to fulfill your desires it not like ordering a servant to fulfill your wishes but rather asking for coordination from the infinite intelligence that guides the stars in the heavens. There will still be times to take action. You will be inspired. There will still be times you must stretch your minds to enter the loving flow. There will be times you miss an opportunity only to have a new opportunity appear once again.

It is only in your illusion of being separate from Source that you struggle. It is only when you attempt to solve all your own problems that you feel the desperation of not knowing what to do. It is only when you attempt to fulfill all your own desires that you feel overwhelmeåd by the magnitude of action or resources you think you require. The universe has unlimited resources and guides you to the most efficient actions.

Dear ones, you are not alone. You could never be alone. You cannot disconnect from the Divine any more than a cell could disconnect and thrive away from the body.  You can experience a feeling of disconnection. You can experience the illusions of being unloved, but it is always your free will choice to come back to the Home of love that births you, gives you life, and is waiting to assist you in your unfolding journey.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

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