Saturday, September 28, 2024

Insiders Reveal What's Coming in Oct, Nov, Dec (video versions of huge intel)

October 2nd Mass Meditation

Full Solar Anular Eclipse [Over Lemuria]

Meditation Links are below!




Here's the video version of the huge intel drop I released on BlogTalk Radio yesterday.


Click here for Rumble.


Click here for YouTube.


If you missed the intro-email on this explosive intel report & analysis for what's coming in the next 3 months ... I've left it below for you.






Thisl is just a teaser.


A full 180 day (4 month) overt military martial law (no elections, no government) now seems confirmed & imminent for the United States, in accordance with the Laws Of War 11.3.


This will begin with a 2020 style lockdown, for several days or weeks, and full border lock-down ... some time in Oct or November. In the USA only.


In 2025, this military action will spread throughout the western hemisphere.


We now have dates of when the White Hat's official front-man (Trump) will return to office.


The moment we've been waiting for has arrived, and it will all go overt on the physical surface, not long after the:


144K Mass Intervention at the

Oct 2nd Solar Eclipse 



That date is as pivotal as it gets, as many operations by both sides & the mass-energy-wars/rituals taking place on both sides, will occur.


The battle-hardened 144k will lead the charge with the energy wars ...


... for the Light.


There's much more to share [thanks to [Q] The Storm Rider] ...


Including ... how the White Hats have been able to travel between dimensions & timelines to stay 2-3 steps ahead of all Cabal moves, without positive off-world technological aid. 



You'll want to listen to this BEFORE the 144k Mass Meditation this Wednesday...



I repeat. The moment we've been waiting for seems confirmed for Oct or Nov.



Yours In Service ...


The Unknown Lightwarrior 







October 2, Full Annular Eclipse

144K Mass Meditation


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