Monday, September 16, 2024

TWO REALITIES (IN THE FLOW OF EVENTS) September 15, 2024 Father Absolute


two-realities-in-a-flow-of-eventsHello, my dear beloved children!

Today I want to talk to you about what is happening in the Souls of many people who cannot come to terms with the events happening around them, but who consider themselves powerless to change anything.

And there are a lot of such people on Earth now.

At present, the war is already going on on all fronts: not only in the areas of military operations, but also on the energetic, emotional, mental levels in every country and even in every family where souls are embodied, coming from different worlds and different dimensions.

Moral foundations that had been considered unshakable for centuries were shaken.

Digital addiction enslaves people like drugs.

Migration policies in many countries around the world make life unbearable and dangerous for the local population.

Current upbringing and education cripple the souls of children.

In a word, each person has his own “battlefield”, on which he sometimes stands alone against the Forces of Evil, which with each passing year more and more clearly reveal their true essence.

So how can you, my dear ones, win this fight – this seemingly unequal battle?

Only with the Power of Spirit can you cope with any adversity and difficulties that you encounter along the way.

There is no other way, since all other methods of struggle and opposition to the system of power belong to the three-dimensional world, which is gradually disappearing into oblivion.

Why do you think that numerous protests, when crowds of thousands of people take to the streets to express their dissatisfaction with the actions of the authorities, are completely ineffective?

Only because they use a weapon of struggle against the system that is inherent in this system itself, namely, opposition .

Thus, the system opposes itself to ordinary people, and people in response oppose the actions of the authorities, which do not meet their vital interests.

At the present time, when the energy of your planet has changed dramatically, going against the current no longer makes sense, since any action you take will carry duality.

Now you need to learn to merge with the flow of events occurring on Earth in order to change their energetic structure, and therefore, their content and meaning.

And next time I'll tell you how you can do it.

The Father-Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you

Accepted by Marta on September 14, 2024

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