Saturday, September 21, 2024

Early AM [USA Timezone]. Control of the Energies = control of the Planet.

September 22

September Equinox 144K Mass Meditation

Links Below 



Make no mistake ... With our Lunar Eclipse Intervention last Tuesday combined with this Equinox Intervention - the 144K stands on the precipes of breaking through those last ... biggest ... primordial barriers to freedom, love & abundance!


And not a moment too soon, with the coming Presidential election & orchestrated unrest, only 6 weeks away.


But we, the 144K ... are doing our own orchestration, as Goddess Gaia sees fit.


The intrinsic & proven heroism of the 144K that has relentlessly ...


  • shifted ...
  • corrected ...
  • and upgraded ...

... the destiny of humanity, is being called upon by Goddess & the vast plethora of off-world groups to step-up during these one-two knockout blows last Tuesday & Tomorrow!


Imagine the breakthroughs & change in energies!


It's a great opportunity to ensure the quickest path to freedom & a true unity revolution driven by love ... not fear!


These underlying energies are IMPORTANT!


Because like I said ...



... there are many roads,

to the same destination.



So expect more intel updates after the Equinox Intervention/Meditation, (thanks to our work!) ... and if you missed the main intel & strategy report for this Equinox 144K Intervention, it's here.



It's now only 14 HRS until the


144K Extravaganza! 





Be where you can make the BIGGEST difference for Planetary Liberation!


That's with the 144K ...



Yours In Service ...


The Unknown Lightwarrior 







September 22 - 2024 Equinox

144K Mass Meditation




Date: Sept 22, 2024


Time: 8:00 AM EDT [US]


Equinox Maximum: 8:43 AM EDT


Your Timezone:


Telegram links are posted on the 144K Member's site, to reduce the number of 144K notifications going into spam folders.


Blog Talk Live Link: Click Here


Free Conference Call: 1-518-318-5638


YouTube Live Backup Link: Click here





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