Monday, September 16, 2024

Dragon Energy Transforming Lives

Dear Openhanders,

Dragon Energy is real, it's here, and it's vibrant! What's more, it can transform your life in the most magical of ways. We're midst a huge exploration across at the Openhand Academy right now, extolling the benefits of this strong infusion to positively transform our lives in turbulent times. Do come and benefit from the exploration. <<< Open 馃拵




Power of Dragon Energy

My Dear Friends, we're moving into a time of exponential change in the field and on the planet. Thus far, the curve has been relatively mild, but now it's moving into the steepening phase. It's inevitable, because we have to move from a severly limiting 4D karmic construct, and into the vibrancy and feedom of the fast flowing 5D, all in a narrowing time window.

That means our old ways of living and being, in relationships and how we live and work, are being tested to the limit, now on a daily basis. The best way to thrive through this transformation, is to embrace it and turn into it. That's likely to create anxiety and fear, as we step into potentially risky situations. This is where the new infusions of Dragon Energy come in. Because Dragon has discovered, through the aeons, how to successfully thrive on the wings of risk.

If you want to change something about your life, to benefit from the possibility of pure magic and alchemy, then you've got to be prepared to step into the unknown - that's where infinite potential creates possibility. But most people close down and freeze in these kinds of situations. The body goes tight, the breathing quickens and shortens, the heart pounds, the mind goes into fearful loops and people can even go out of body a degree. This all means you're much less effective at dealing with the situation and taking advantage of the possibility that change presents.

If we can learn to open out through these constrictions, and stay grounded and present in the turmoil, then we'll open a space where the new alchemy of magic can flood in. This is exactly how Dragon Energy thrives. And we can learn to ride that to transform all aspects of our lives, from our relationships, to how we live and work. Never has that opportunity been greater.

So I encourage all to jump across to the Openhand Academy and browse the vibrant conversations and exchanges we're having, because I do believe, you'll benefit enormously. It's also exactly why we like to include Sacred Pilgrimages into our program - because people greatly benefit from the adventure: getting out of your regular environment and consciousness, and experimenting with flow and possibility.

With that in mind, for anyone feeling inspired, we still have two places available on our upcoming Pilgrimage into the Himalayas in October - it's is sure to be a magical ride of vibrant alchemy:

Himalayan Pilgrimage October 2024: India

Bright blessings
<<< Open 馃拵

Magic & Alchemy

Dear friends, there can be no magic and alchemy in our lives without stepping into the unknown a degree. Which can understandably feel anxious and risky. But change is upon us, and so learning to deal with these times is utterly priceless. It means we become the masters of circumstance. That's the opportunity Dragon provides, and it's our passionate commitment to help you benefit from it!

Bright blessings to all. <<< Open 馃拵
For all event into and Bookings:
Contact Tilly Bud

Openhand Evolutionary Book Series


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