Monday, September 9, 2024

Openhand Ascension Academy

Dear Openhanders,

Today is an exciting one for the Team and all in the movment - we've just rebranded and relaucnhed as, Openhand Ascension Academy. It's our passion and purchase to provide a leading-edge establishment to support you in the Shift. That now comes into fruition. See what's crystallised. <<< Open 馃拵

Latest on Openhand Ascension Academy

The Pilgrimages Begin!


A long time in the crafting

My Dear Friends, experts say it takes "10,000 hours of dedicated work to truly craft your art". Well if that's the case, they definitely weren't referring to an Ascension Academy - where 10,000 hours just gets you to spiritual base camp! For us, here at Openhand, it's been a painstaking process over 20 years, of working diligently with people in workshops and retreats, exchanging on the web, and in facilitations, to fully embody what really works to support the Ascension Shift with people.

You are all unique. You all have unique circumstances and journeys. Therefore the processes need to be as open as possible - yet all encompassing. They need to push, expand the broundaries, and initiate widely varied soul-ray-harmonics in people. This goes way beyond just touching the sense of unity consciousness. Hence we require sophisticated programs of deprogramming - yet it feels like formless form, styless style.

Someone once said to me: "Ascension, why bother? It's just another story of the ego.
My answer was: "If you knew the house was on fire, wouldn't you feel to leave it?"
Only an ego denies the journey of the soul!

The planet is shifting in the most spectacular of ways, tied into the movement of the solar system and galaxy. Whether we're conscious or not, the phenomenal movements of energy are affecting all aspects of our lives - they influence everything, from our relationships, to how we live and work. The possibility is not to be merely a helpless victim in all of this, but rather a conscious co-creator with it. You learn to steer your life aligned with the flow - like a surfer riding a wave, dancing majestically upon it. At least that's the possibility!

When you discover your passion in life, then it fuels every single day, both those that are illuminated by light, but also those obscurred in darkness. Even when you're exhausted, you find the spark of purpose to carry you on - in this way, it's the perfect vehicle for your life and your shift. Passion is what's created the Openhand Ascension Academy, which launches today. There is a heartfelt guarantee, that no matter what is unfolding, no matter what karma is triggering, we are here to inspire the passion for your next big breakthrough. That's what makes it all worthwhile. ❤️

Check out the new styled launch video out today, and if you feel inspired, get involved - begin your Ascension:

The 5 Levels of Engagement in the Openhand Ascension Academy

Bright blessings
<<< Open 馃拵

The Spiritual Ascent

Dear Openhanders, we've all the time in the world. However, that's no longer a lot! We're encouraged to "get on with the job". Thank God - for what else is really of use and fulfillment in the nonsense that the Matrix has become? The blinkers are off. Reality is laid bare before us. There's a mountain to climb. That's cool. It just takes one step at a time!

We're there with you! <<< Open 馃拵
For all event into and Bookings:
Contact Tilly Bud

Openhand Evolutionary Book Series


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