Thursday, September 12, 2024

Full Super Moon Partial Eclipse Sept 17 Mass Meditation + Situation Report

September 17

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 144K Mass Meditation

Links Below 



Release & Revelations For Transformation, With Lunar Eclipse Astrology


Agarthan Status Update


The Deadline



This Super Full Moon & Partial Lunar Eclipse still has a portal aspect to it, which wraps-up the astrological 'leaving the past behind' side of things we experienced with the Virgo New Moon.


We now start to move into a more intense & evident transformational period... one that will go on for months, (both personally & planetarily)!


144K specialty 😎


In other words, there's one more major planetary release & shedding the 144K is being requested to help out with on this Lunar eclipse ... so humanity can proceed to the deadline without serious collateral damage or delay.


Yes, there's a deadline. More on that below.


Some of the things astrologers are saying this Partial Lunar Eclipse Super Full Moon Eclipse will bring us are:


  • preparing for a rebirth that will change your life (planetary as well!)
  • intense period of facing facts & letting go (of beliefs, deep traumas, habits, false perspectives, behaviors, etc)
  • a time of somewhat confronting realizations & breakthroughs in expressing your gifts in a 3D practical way, for the world to receive your gifts!


Let's make it happen !



Agarthan Status Update



The positive Agarthans & other positive groups in Inner-Earth are also wrapping-up removal of dark hold-outs, from whatever era or age they come from.


There are no large armies to deal with anymore, but the dark & deeply hidden technologies are still an issue.


So the positive Agarthans can do with a frequency 'push & uplift' from us crazy surface dwellers ... which will help make their search-&-destroy missions happen way faster & be more successful.


These search-&-destroy missions must be wrapped up by late October, in time for Halloween (holiest of holys for the dark).


This will allow us to then finish-off anything the dark have left (in every sense of the word) on the climactic Halloween night.


The last one ever.


Especially if the 144K have anything to do with it.




The Deadline



The deadline that will trigger the final cascade of Overt Planetary Liberation on the Physical Planetary Surface ... is the US Presidential elections.


Various things need to be completed behind the scenes by then & be in-place!


The White Hats are largely in control, but the non-physicals will heavily attack both Starseeds & the unconscious majority when it all breaks-out in early November.


This could easily destabilize, and thus frustrate things for months (i.e.: delay) ... even though the destination is the same & as always, inevitable. 


I prefer the easy & quick road :- )


The full destruction of the Cabal's Orwellian dream known as the CCP (who ritually sacrificed 60 million Chinese) ...


... & the break-up of China as a brutal centralized tyrannical state into a more loose & free Chinese Federation of provinces (more akin to the US & Russian model) ... is slated for next year.


What this means to us is, the full liberation of the USA must occur & be consolidated by this November/December for that to really begin in China, because liberating China is a big part of liberating Gaia


And they DO have a large army, even if the Global Military alliance takes control of the majority of the Chinese armed forces.


More coming ...


Start preparing ... because it's now only 5 days away before we disembark and let our consciousness to do-the-talking ... shifting ... and altering!


... to  save many Agarthan LIVES ...


... to save many American lives this year ...


... and countless Chinese lives next year ...


... all by altering the timelines!






Yours In Service ...


The Unknown Lightwarrior 






September 17 - 2024

Super Full Moon 

Partial Lunar Eclipse

144K Mass Meditation



Date: Sept 17, 2024


Time: 9:30 PM EDT [US]


Partial Lunar Eclipse Maximum: 10:35 PM EDT


Your Timezone:


Telegram links are posted on the 144K Member's site, to reduce the number of 144K notifications going into spam folders.


Blog Talk Live Link: Click Here


Free Conference Call: 1-518-318-5638


YouTube Live: To Be Announced






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