Wednesday, August 7, 2024

We are in Lions Gate what does it mean? The Blue Star Sirius

Blue Ray Transmissions:

The ultra-sensitive Empath, Starseed & Lightworker, Blue Ray Ascension Updates

Shekina Rose Angelic Messenger Language of Light Songstress, Sound Healer & Blue Ray Empath

Channel of the Blue Ray


The Lions Gate in the strongest solar storms in 20 years

The Lions Gateway is an annual celestial event in which the sun aligns with the star Sirius in the Leo constellation. The magical gateway portal is open from July 28 to August 12.  

Dear beautiful souls and Lightbeings, Blue Ray's

StarSeeds, LightWorkers Empaths, Angels, and Angelics

The brightest star in the sky Sirius is considered to be our spiritual sun, which emanates the Christ consciousness. In ancient Egypt, when the Blue Star Sirius rose right before the Nile flooded, it was considered a new year. The floods brought water and fertile soil to the dry region, allowing the Egyptians to sow their crops. The Egyptians called Sirius Sopdet, believing it to be the goddess Isis manifesting in the heavens, famed for her numerous powers—including healing, magic, and protection—and considered her the grand mother of all gods.

As the blue star rises, there is a surge of energy moving through the world between the spiritual and material realms, a potent source of cosmic energy.

Many of the Blue Ray's starseeds in particular identify with Sirius since they have a great affinity with water as it is considered where the whales and dolphins originated from. The beings from Sirus bring higher frequency and spiritual wisdom to assist humanity in evolving.

We are in the a solar cycle of solar maxim. Since the Solar eclipse of April 8, with the most potent eclipse energies the Solar Activity are continuous with varied intensity energetic frequency and effects.  

 The 8 – 8 portal - August 8 is considered the apex of the Lions Gate, during which we celebrate a rebirth of spiritual energy into our beings and delvers higher dimensional and galactic frequencies on the Earth. This year 2024 is a Universal "8 Year" on the eighth in the eighth month; triple codes of the 8 – 8 – 8. This auspicious day can be fortunate for receiving new insights and Cosmic gifts.

8 represents the infinity symbol, the infinite soul,

and the Divine Love of Heaven.

More meanings for the 8

  • In China and other Asian cultures, the number eight is considered lucky.
  • In ancient Japan, the number eight was considered sacred.
  • In angelology, the angel Cahetel represents the number eight. Cahetel is considered to protect and bless people who invoke him, as well as shielding them from harmful energy.

 Remain receptive to the process of receiving heart healing, 3rd eye and crown chakra awakening, activations, downloads, and higher awareness insight. Many of you might receive a call to simply be, allowing relaxation, and relish the moment. Allow yourself a day after to feel the integration and what may come for you on the 8—8—8. Set your intentions on this day.  

These times call for you to keep following and trusting your empathetic spiritual intuition, as it is guided by God Source in divine synchronicity. You have a wonderful rhythm and flow that allows you to be where you need to be and do what is right for you in this world. Its divine timing and puts you in the frequency resonance of the Divine Field. 4444

To get latest Language of Light Healing, Upgrade codes Awakening, Activation, downloads and Blue Ray Transmissions updates
"Please subscribe to my my you tube channel as that is where most all of the information it being put out now.

 Click here to add me for free upcoming Blue Ray Transmission

 The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive, empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia.


Find out if your from the Blue Ray Here:


   "Shekinah", a Hebrew word in the "Language of Light", is a mentor of the Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process. BlueRay is the soul group consciousness of the highest aspect of all Blue Rays. Together we give you these transmissions.

 Click here to add me for free upcoming Blue Ray Transmission


New Exquisite Radiant Blue Pyramid of Light

Shine your radiances your this powerful Radiant Pyramid of Light, protection in the supreme Blue Divine Light. carries the master ascension codes of 333

*Assist in strengthening your Aura energy biofield to your Radiant light body and is a radionics Blue protection. 

Throat chakra Water, Higher Heart chakra, Crown Chakra awakening the higher heart expression expansion of your light, truth and gifts and in the Venusian Sacred Technologies

Click here: Exquisite Radiant Blue Pyramid of Light

For more Sedona Frequency Pendants and sacred Technologies here

Beautiful Blue Ray Archangels Divine Love Power Radiant Codes Pendant Angel

Shine your radiances awaken new aspect of your Angelic, gifts and expression in the Venusian Sacred Technologies, The resurrection of the Angelic template, opening to channel, activating the Language of Light, enhances and empowers your connections and communion with your Higher self, Your wings of Light.

*Beautiful Blue Ray Archangels Divine Love Power Radiant Codes Pendant Angel

For more Sedona Frequency Pendants and sacred Technologies here

These Angel and Seraphin Creation Technologies pendants were designed and created after a huge influx of higher light from the Archangels and Angelics happened on the planet. A higher octave of the angelic realms, Angelic Star tribes, and our Angelic DNA of Cosmic Knowledge was awakened. It was a sacred and powerful experience of Angelic communion.

The Seraphin Wings of Light of Venus, Angel Realms, Channeling Activator, and ANGELIC Star Tribes are here to anchor those Angelic frequency gateways and our Angelic DNA.

Shekina Rose personally designs and creates each piece [Copyright: Shekina Rose} They are embued in the music of the spheres, the sacred Language of Creation that was imprinted on her soul through her near-death experience. Encoded in the Radiant Codes, through the downloads of sacred technology by the Pleaidians of Peace and the Ascended Masters, who brought forth this sacred technology for the Light Bearers of the world.

Activated and blessed in each pendant creation are the Sedona singing vortex crystals.

DNA Upgrade Template Clearing Master Codes DNA Cellular Healing Activation Session 

& Healing from your Guides, Soul Reading - Why I am Here, what's my Purpose Phone Sessions

Click Here*Language of Light DNA Core Ascension Activation, Messages & healing from your Guides, Soul Reading


Shekina Rose Angel Medium, Language of Light Songstress 528 Hz Miracle frequencies Sound Healer, Channel for the Blue Ray, Intuitive empathy

Spiritual Psychic,

Creator of the Sacred Technologies Language of Light Frequency Radiant Codes Jewelry & Devices  from her regular physical and telepathic visited by the Archangels & Ascended Masters, Fairy realm Kingdoms

Connect Here:

Donations are greatly appreciated thank you

Sharing in Love ~Please Click Here: Donations

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