Sunday, August 11, 2024

3 ways your spirit guides help you on your soul mission - Cendrine Sauvenier

Contrarily to common beliefs, we aren't alone on our journey to anchor our soul mission. This misconception is activated through the field of separation and feeds a lot of the limiting beliefs we have about ourselves and our ability to do what we came here to do, to be who we came here to be.


I hear way too often about the doubts that people have about their purpose, their worth, their readiness to take aligned actions.

I know that many humans struggle to connect with their spirit guides and receive their loving guidance, not only in their personal life but also in their soul mission.


My purpose is to demystify channeling and teach you how to consciously connect to your channel and harness its power through precise, uplifting and easy connection with your soul, your spirit guides and the soul of your mission.


Channeling is actually much easier than you could possibly imagine, you just need to learn about it, and I'm an expert at teaching others how to become amazing channels!


Today, I want to share with you some basic facts about the way your spirit guides cocreate with you. There is a lot more to this subject than what I share here, of course, but let's start with the foundation first before we can go deeper.


There are three ways that your spirit guides help you on your soul mission:


1. They are your biggest cheerleaders. They believe in you more than you do. They continuously remind you of how ready you are to step to the next level and how you deserve to succeed.

2. They remind you that amplifying your mission and serving others in your own unique way isn’t actually about you, it’s about the higher frequencies of the higher realms flowing through you as you get out of the way. You receive a lot from being able to channel higher guidance that activate others. You receive as you serve. Your spirit guides know very well that it is through actions and acts of service that you grow and see your own worth.

3. They give you guidance on what steps to take next. They try their best for you to hear them so you can alchemise your limitations and anchor your highest timeline now, without procrastinating.

Your spirit guides are always there for you and their mission is to help you on your path. On top of that, depending on the frequency and configuration of the group of light beings you cocreate with, they might even have a similar higher purpose to yours.

And there are so many more connections between you, such as being let of the same start family for example!

Learn how to channel your spirit guides, so you can receive their higher guidance and feel deeply supported on your journey in my free 4-day channeling challenge to amplify your soul mission will be starting on the 18th of August Pacific Time (19th of August AEST).

You can join now to receive epic guidance in a supportive and uplifting community of light leaders!




And see you there, Angel!



Trance channel to the 9th Dimension Arcturians Council of Light, Spiritual Teacher

and Ascension Mentor


PS: Remember to save your spot for day 4 of the challenge, so you can receive tailored mentoring from me and my High Council of Light.

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