Friday, August 30, 2024

Express Love to Each Other The Voice of Divine Channeled by Erena Velazquez Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces

The Voice of Divine 🕊️🌼🩷⚡️🌌⚡️🩷🌼🕊️
Greetings Beloved Souls,
I am the Voice of Divine communicating this message with Supreme Love and Light to Mother Earth and Beloved humanity.
I am here today to give you a deeper understanding, on what is transpiring in your world. I am in charge of the Ascension Process on your planet and seeing through the whole of process without any interruptions from so called Dark Entities. Years got wasted, because of slow actions by your Alliance and non existing White Hats. This process can’t be done on the human level anymore only on the spiritual one.
This transformation needs to appear on a deep level by eliminating low vibrational emotions, which create constant drama in a human life into peace, happiness and blissful coexistence between each other and Galactic Civilizations. Humankind needs to stop a small group of Negative Ones from controlling eight billion of people. This planet has been on the way of extinction same as similar planets in the Cosmos. Some of them exploded and killed all of their inhabitants.
Your Dark Controllers have been creating chaos on Earth for many Moon Years. Yes, I am speaking about Moon Years, which are different from your calendar created by the Matrix. It’s much longer than your regular year. Right now, you are experiencing a total degradation of your society on all levels. The high vibrational emotions such as peace and happiness have been replaced with anger, violence, dishonesty and etc. The conclusion is that you are on the edge of self destruction.
Your world needs to transform by leaving behind materialistic existence and moving into Light Bodies in a multidimensional reality. Your Alliance is trying to built on the ashes a new society with the same fundamentals from the past like keeping the money system just changing it into a quantum system, saturating human society with wealth, which corrupted humans in the first place and etc. Of course, this approach is not going to work, as it’s based only on the materialistic principles and not on the spiritual ones.
The 10 days of Darkness, store food and water, announcement by EBS and etc. are false information created by Darkness, not by the Light. Another trickery by your false masters, who don’t want to give up their control over you. I am allowed to create a new narrative without disclosing on what it is for now, meantime I will continue to cleanse the negative energies from the surface of Gaia. Whatever you hear or read about your Ascension from unreliable sources, please don’t take into consideration as the truth.
The Light Beings have been bringing to your attention that most of the sources are not telling the truth at all, otherwise you would have ascended a longtime ago and would be living now in the 5th dimension. It’s time to snap out from the illusion and lies, and finally accept the truth that me, Divine and your daily silent meditations can help the human civilization to move to the next step of their evolution. Each day the 3D Matrix is cracking more and more, my Light frequencies are exposing everyone, on who has been harming humanity in any way.
Justice will be served on the behalf of humankind. After specific criteria got fulfilled such as the Collective Consciousness reached a required level, I was able to step into the process. I have been sending warnings to the Negative Controllers about leaving their posts and to stop messing around with innocent lives. Just recently, I send another message, this time to Saudi Arabia’s government, who has been serving Darkness for a long time. Massive lighting strikes hit their famous tower clock at Mecca.
The consequences are coming to the ones, who didn’t follow Divine Laws. The number one priority is to preserve any form of life and stop endangering a whole civilization. The abuse of power needs to stop against any life. Mankind requires to transform into a society with a new set of rules and regulations based on the spiritual principles of love, and learn on how to live in peace and harmony with each other without any wars and conflicts. The high dimensional existence comes with the price of giving up attachments to material things.
The ones who don’t do the spiritual work of doing daily silent meditations will be left behind, no shortcuts for anyone. Always express gratitude, when you meet pure souls, as not many of them are left on your planet. Balance and harmony needs to be restored. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.
Express Love to Each Other
The Voice of Divine
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces

Erena Velazquez

The Voice of Divine 🕊️🌼🩷⚡️🌌⚡️🩷🌼🕊️
Greetings Beloved Souls,
I am the Voice of Divine communicating this message with Supreme Love and Light to Mother Earth and Beloved humanity.
I am here today to give you a deeper understanding, on what is transpiring in your world. I am in charge of the Ascension Process on your planet and seeing through the whole of process without any interruptions from so called Dark Entities. Years got wasted, because of slow actions by your Alliance and non existing White Hats. This process can’t be done on the human level anymore only on the spiritual one.
This transformation needs to appear on a deep level by eliminating low vibrational emotions, which create constant drama in a human life into peace, happiness and blissful coexistence between each other and Galactic Civilizations. Humankind needs to stop a small group of Negative Ones from controlling eight billion of people. This planet has been on the way of extinction same as similar planets in the Cosmos. Some of them exploded and killed all of their inhabitants.
Your Dark Controllers have been creating chaos on Earth for many Moon Years. Yes, I am speaking about Moon Years, which are different from your calendar created by the Matrix. It’s much longer than your regular year. Right now, you are experiencing a total degradation of your society on all levels. The high vibrational emotions such as peace and happiness have been replaced with anger, violence, dishonesty and etc. The conclusion is that you are on the edge of self destruction.
Your world needs to transform by leaving behind materialistic existence and moving into Light Bodies in a multidimensional reality. Your Alliance is trying to built on the ashes a new society with the same fundamentals from the past like keeping the money system just changing it into a quantum system, saturating human society with wealth, which corrupted humans in the first place and etc. Of course, this approach is not going to work, as it’s based only on the materialistic principles and not on the spiritual ones.
The 10 days of Darkness, store food and water, announcement by EBS and etc. are false information created by Darkness, not by the Light. Another trickery by your false masters, who don’t want to give up their control over you. I am allowed to create a new narrative without disclosing on what it is for now, meantime I will continue to cleanse the negative energies from the surface of Gaia. Whatever you hear or read about your Ascension from unreliable sources, please don’t take into consideration as the truth.
The Light Beings have been bringing to your attention that most of the sources are not telling the truth at all, otherwise you would have ascended a longtime ago and would be living now in the 5th dimension. It’s time to snap out from the illusion and lies, and finally accept the truth that me, Divine and your daily silent meditations can help the human civilization to move to the next step of their evolution. Each day the 3D Matrix is cracking more and more, my Light frequencies are exposing everyone, on who has been harming humanity in any way.
Justice will be served on the behalf of humankind. After specific criteria got fulfilled such as the Collective Consciousness reached a required level, I was able to step into the process. I have been sending warnings to the Negative Controllers about leaving their posts and to stop messing around with innocent lives. Just recently, I send another message, this time to Saudi Arabia’s government, who has been serving Darkness for a long time. Massive lighting strikes hit their famous tower clock at Mecca.
The consequences are coming to the ones, who didn’t follow Divine Laws. The number one priority is to preserve any form of life and stop endangering a whole civilization. The abuse of power needs to stop against any life. Mankind requires to transform into a society with a new set of rules and regulations based on the spiritual principles of love, and learn on how to live in peace and harmony with each other without any wars and conflicts. The high dimensional existence comes with the price of giving up attachments to material things.
The ones who don’t do the spiritual work of doing daily silent meditations will be left behind, no shortcuts for anyone. Always express gratitude, when you meet pure souls, as not many of them are left on your planet. Balance and harmony needs to be restored. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.
Express Love to Each Other
The Voice of Divine
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces
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