Tuesday, August 20, 2024

21 August: Solara on Wednesdays with Kryon

Dearest Light Tribe,

I am honoured to announce that I will be a guest speaker on the incredible Wednesdays with KRYON show on August 21st, 2024, at 6 PM Pacific Time. During this episode, The Pleiadian Councils of Light, a higher dimensional collective who teach the ascension techniques they learned from the Arcturian Councils, will lead us through a unique method of Vertical Connection that allows us to develop impeccable discernment and become our own guides and masters.

If you haven’t had the opportunity to watch an episode of Wednesdays with KRYON, let me tell you what you’re missing out on.

Each episode is structured to provide valuable insights and healing tools that you can use to dramatically heal on a deeper level, awaken to new possibilities, and live a more fulfilling life.

I would like you to join us for my guest episode on August 21st, 2024 at 6PM Pacific Time.

As a special gift, I'm offering you one free month of access to the Wednesdays with KRYON program when you sign up for a subscription using my coupon SOLARAWWKFREE1MO, which expires on September 21st, 2024.

Click here to participate and claim your free month!

Wednesdays with KRYON is hosted by Lee Carroll (channel for Kryon), Monika Muranyi, and their weekly guest of choice (this time it’s me.)

With love love love as always,

Solara An-Ra

Magic Weaver & Frequency Keeper for Gaia

Coming up!

8th & 15th Sept: Online ZOOM: Writing-Channelling
2-part workshop with video recordings provided afterwards

What is your motivation for opening to channel? Search your heart now. If it is to be led forward on your path, moving progressively into peace, balance, self- empowerment, joy, abundance - and to gain clarity on how you may be of service to the world - then this course is for you!

I used to believe that channelling in writing form was inferior to channelling through the voice - but that was only because my first experiences with channelling had come through receiving spoken guidance from other channels, mediums and psychics. When I started channelling for myself in 1998, I didn't even try to write-channel. Nearly every day, for years, I practiced asking for guidance and speaking the answers into a small, old-fashioned tape recorder - and then transcribed the material onto paper, collecting files and files of guidance over many years, that I would re-read as often as I felt the urge. Reading through the last months or years of guidance allowed me to re-calibrate my path and purpose over and over again - it was the guidance system that changed my life in so many weird and wonderful ways that it was as if I was a walk-in experiencing a whole new Earth life!

I am overwhelmingly grateful for the role that channelling has played in my unfolding Path of Light and Purpose! And when I succeeded in transitioning into writing-channelling - and coming into FULL TRUST that the process was identical to speaking-channelling, and just as powerful and trust-worthy - I had to laugh at how much time I would have saved myself simply writing the guidance down instead of recording it - and then having to transcribe it! Of course I know WHY my guides trained me first as a spoken-channel - because there were messages and guided meditations that would prove to be indispensable for so many on the path of awakening on the planet. But writing-channelling is, for most people, a far less intimidating introduction to the channelling skill! Thus I am passing this skill onto YOU, dear Light Tribe of Gaia, that you may benefit from the connection with your guides and Higher Self Aspects in the way that the thousands of students I have taught have done before you. The Time Is Now!

Follow Solara's YouTube Channel here

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