Sunday, August 18, 2024

Electronics/Lurker frustrating ET Contact. Super Blue Moon Meditation!

August 19th

Super Blue Full Moon  - 144K Mass Meditation

Links Below 



In this Report:


Lurker & Negative Military/DARPA/CIA Still Detects Positive Spikes In Our Frequency.


The Solution...


The great opportunity this week's astrology opens, for bringing things from dark to Light, for Physical Matrix & Life transformation.




As we gear-up for the 144K Mass Game-Changing Intervention in under two days, it's important to galvanize our thoughts, intentions & focus on the things that will make the biggest difference for us Starseeds - not only Planetary Liberation.


For one ... there's certain tech-array systems of a conventional & more advanced nature, that are dampening/jamming Galactic Confederation & Inner Earth signals being sent out to us ground crew.


5G towers & WiFi are not the real problem - it's the negative-military/DARPA/CIA computer systems that control them.


However ...


Intel has come in that the

A.I wars have been won!



And major quantum computer systems of the above usual-suspects have been shut down ... but unfortunately not all of them.


And because of the exposure/surfacing/blow-out nature of the astrology this week (that I reported on in the previous email to you) that's peaking on this Super Full Moon ...


... we may be able to clear what's remaining of the Veil ... and make safe remote contact with our Galactic brethren:


... if there's a coordinated maneuver between us Ground Crew, Inner Earth & Off-world forces, when the astrology supports it.


(... the kind of maneuver that will turn life around!)


To make it safe, we must remove these two things denying us our freedom & joy:



The above mentioned tech & associated computer systems, and


the Lurker, (for which the process is well underway)



The reason for this is ... they detect spikes in our frequency & can trigger amplified electronic attacks & also vicious attacks from any physical person around you.


  • your neighbor
  • your partner
  • the driver coming at you from the other lane
  • ... etc

Rest-assured ... their satellites are taken out too, and with the A.I war won, we're now within striking distance of actualizing remote off-world contact with our beloved star families.


They can coach you ...

They can mentor you ...

They can provide intel for you ...

They can comfort you ...


... all the way up to the moment of physical reunion some time after 11/11 this year! 


Accelerating the removal of the Lurker alone will shoot the planet's frequency up like a geyser!


So remember ... we need to focus on these two things ...


  1. Electronics & surveillance arrays, run by dark computer systems & ...
  2. The Lurker


Buckle-up, you're a dedicated operative ...


... who respects who you really are & what you're really here for!


See you where it matters most, this August 19th


Links are below ...



Yours In Service ...


The Unknown Lightwarrior 






August 19th - 2024

Seasonal Blue Moon

144K Mass Meditation



Date: Aug 19th, 2024


Time: 1:30 PM EDT [US]


Your Timezone:


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