Thursday, August 15, 2024

Blue Moon Meditation Aug 19. Unprecedented craziness explained!

August 19th

Blue Moon  - 144K Mass Meditation

Links Below 


In this Report:


The overwhelming astrology, leading up to the most intense

Full Moon in a long time ... on August 19th.


Completing The Final Removal of The Lurker, that has multiplied the struggle of this week's astrology by a factor of 10 times.


The great opportunity all this opens, for bringing things from dark to Light, for Physical Matrix & Life transformation.



If you haven't been brutally knocked-about from Monday afternoon onwards, then you're a first-time incarnate here, without the internal blocks coming from past lifetimes that darkness can utilize or jab at.


:- )


I'll be frank ...


The astrology alone this week ... is NUTS.


In fact, here's the title of astrologer Annie's YouTube report:




Blue Aquarius Supermoon! August 19, 2024



" ... this is going to unearth a lot of stuff. 
If you can hide under a rock, do that. 
If you can, be super careful because people 
are going to be stressed, they'll be driving
emotionally...  they'll be reacting emotionally, 
it's maybe not the best time to suggest something 
to someone who might be dangerous or will 
add fire to a situation that's already escalated.
People can become shockingly violent or
dramatic out of nowhere, we do know full moons
have an increase in criminal activity and arrests, 
hospital entries and medical events may be happening".





:- )


She also mentions communication barriers, thanks to Jupiter in Gemini, which is ruled by Mercury ... and Mercury is in retrograde from the 5th to the 28th of August, causing even more frustration & friction. 


She goes on to say:


" ... Saturn in Pisces can definitely 
bring about doubts and insecurity and 
disillusionment and the need to re-evaluate 
things. It can bring reality 
checks. It can bring heaviness to your 
mind, your emotions and your mood. 


Saturn will be coming in & putting 'the kibosh' on

things, this week.


That's all happening, but there's something 
that seeks to expand. While there are these
limitations, a really great way to work 
with this is to surrender to the
limitation and ask the questions why or how
could this be good for me".



Moreover, she also stresses that:


"At this time there may be reasons why the 
explosion of growth you're trying to have
is not good for you, and reasons why you
have to have patience and perseverance
and then reflection. 


Saturn in Pisces is really forcing this
reflection & this quiet time. Maybe you're
laid-up because there was an accident
and now you can't be mobile or you can't do your
normal work. This is not meant to make
you miserable, this is meant to give you
the time to reflect and see. Moving
forward, what things may you do
differently once you're in that forced
quiet space?"



Astrologer Lori Lothian put it this way:


"this [week's astrology] is not common!


We've got ...


- Jupiter conjunction with Mars -

- a Saturn square to Mars -

- a Jupiter square to Mars -

- a Venus opposite to Saturn -

- a Kazimi of the Sun on a Full Moon -

- merger of Mercury and the Sun that come together while Mercury is in retrograde -


... and all of this squaring Uranus for that

[Full Moon] lunation.


It is NUTS" 



Important tips to get through this week much easier:


  1. minimize interaction with people as much as you can possibly get away with
  2. avoid things like negotiations, meetings, etc ... as much as possible
  3. do NOT start anything, especially anything new
  4. only go back to things you've already started, recently or long ago, and overhaul/revamp them for the current times, or into something transformed
  5. heavily focus on internal shadow work (this is a great opportunity for massive gains in that area, allowing you to ascend way higher when Mercury goes direct on the 28th of August, (just make sure you're using deep enough, robust & comprehensive tools. The common 'fru-fru' tools won't stand the pressure, and will only bring up stuff without clearing them effectively, causing bigger problems) 
  6. take quiet walks in nature to reflect on your projects, direction in life, etc
  7. be methodical, slow & very step-by-step with any work & projects ... while being open to radical new approaches on how you do things 


On the plus side (believe it or not, lol) Annie does explain why following my tips above, will work wonders for you:


"... sometimes we have things going on
under the surface and we feel uneasy
or we know something's happening, but we
can't put our finger on what the issues

This moon is going to blow all of
this out of the water, so all of
these other transits that are
happening are going to be elucidated by
this Moon, and if there was any confusion
or anything that was behind the scenes, unseen,
& was undercover ... it's
just going to kind of blow it all out.

It could be very cathartic.


"Start to trust the Divine timing. It's
this kind of a transit that can force
either major discomfort or force the spiritual
principle which is, there is a plan to
things that we don't know about very
often retrospectively, we'll see that
plan as being wise and benevolent, but in
the time of it happening it sometimes
doesn't feel wise or benevolent because
we can't see the whole picture but I do
believe there's a benevolent source that
can see the whole picture. These
things are in motion so you're running
up against blocks and obstructions, where 
you're stretching for growth but you're 
kind of being pulled right back to where 
you were. This is definitely about balance. 
So our basic strategies here are going to
be balance, which is striving to balance
optimism with realism, while staying
open to new opportunities ... while also
recognizing the need for discipline".





The 'Full-Force' removal of the Lurker that started around Monday, has multiplied all this, by a factor of 10!



For those of you who don't know, the 'Lurker' is a collection of consciousness from negative ETs of previous Universal cycles [this universe's past incarnations] that couldn't ascend naturally ...


... and they used technology to transfer their consciousness into the sub-quantum level of reality to survive the big contraction & then the big bang.


All this traumatized the living-daylights out of them, which made them way more dark.


They since have gently nudged ETs across the universe into a negative direction, creating negative ETs, who then enslaved the Earth. 


As reported by the off-world RM to the surface population, the testing phase of disentangling the Lurker from Surface humanity is over & the 'full force' removal began around Monday of this week.


Which has multiplied the harshness of the already crazy astrology by a factor of 10.


However, as mentioned above ...


... the astrology does greatly support finding a way to remove the Lurker way faster, which would drastically accelerate Planetary Liberation!!



There is currently a prediction - if the 144K figures this out & intervenes in numbers this Full Moon (links below) ...


...that by the time Mercury goes direct on the 28th & this crazy astrology is over ... the Lurker may be mostly removed:


triggering a 'full force' quantum leap to Planetary Liberation and the manifestation of your personal goals.



Also because now, you'll be 'Lighter' ... thanks to the internal work you did on a week like this one!


More intel will be released soon.


For now ... See you where it matters most, this August 19th


Links are below ...



Yours In Service ...


The Unknown Lightwarrior 






August 19th - 2024

Seasonal Blue Moon

144K Mass Meditation



Date: Aug 19th, 2024


Time: 1:30 PM EDT [US]


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