Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Sophia ~ The Illusion

August 28th, 2024

Hello! Welcome to August's complimentary edition!

I hope this finds you doing well and feeling positive. Today's conversation discusses the Matrix and all that it conceals. It goes into detail about removals of players that I believe have already happened. In it, One tells us of what historically has happened here, and describes the previous star-seeds and warriors who laid the groundwork for this moment we are living. I think you'll enjoy it.

It's hard to fathom that we approach September. Time seems to speed up with each season. In the Midwest, we are in the "dog days" of summer now. It's just hot. There are no other words necessary.

The book that was announced on 8/8/24 (Ask Me Anything - New Earth's Builders Get Answers), is coming along wonderfully, and I am just so excited about it! These are your questions and concerns, and so what is evolving is a summary of who we are; who we are while on Earth, that is. There is a nice mix of down to earth and beyond this world that really defines us. We are a remarkable bunch! I should have more details for you in September.

The most recent Straight Talk video is shared below. Here's the link: (click here). It is titled "And what of dreams?", and it went places I wasn't expecting! Enjoy. There will be a pause in the series while I work to get the book published.

I know that you are tired and so many other things... So am I. So many plans and predictions have either changed or been abandoned altogether. What that tells me is that we are heading for some massive surprises.

We are stubborn souls, determined to see this through. Our tenacity is helping to build a beautiful new way of life. Can you feel it changing? Remember that One has always said we'll see the destruction of everything before the New Earth can be birthed. She needs fertile ground from which to rise.

It is an honor to be here with each of you. You are doing a fine job! Hang in there everyone. You are not alone!

Please share this complimentary edition.

Thank you for sticking around. Each one of you is vital. I appreciate you all.

With so much love and an abundance of light,


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It is the One.

Rapid advancements in your weaponry and tactics have propelled the takedown of those here still to maintain and retain control. As they did not “get the memo”, (the memo declaring your liberation), they remain faithful and aggressive regarding their cause.

Their higher-ups have either been removed or left on their own. Without further instructions, these forces continue to fight as if there was a possible victory for them. There is none.

Who they battle with is a combination of forces – some earth-sourced and others from other locales. You do not see these battles in your skies, yet they take place. *

The illusion is a powerful one, and your visuals are not precisely true. You could have access to more, and at some point, you will. There are always ships in your skies, and you are always within their field of vision.

What is happening around you is magic and illusion. So much of what you take for granted is not based on Truth – but rather part of a story you’ve been fed.

The story had a purpose. You were meant to be kept contained. This part of your capture was only partially successful. For always there have been explorers and curious ones who did not accept the narrative at face value, and these humans sought further evidence. They dug deep into the “facts” given to them, and conducted investigations and experiments of their own.

Think of the many random inventions you’ve seen or heard about, yet which are not a part of your daily life. Things like free energy, automobiles that run on water, food replicators, medical and healing pods are just the start of it.

This Matrix is a construct with a specific purpose in mind. That purpose is control.

There are lots of additional details, yet control is the primary goal.

The previous controllers desired domination and subservience as conditions of ownership.

They went about it slowly and gradually. Yet always there were humans who saw through the charade and into their actual actions. They didn’t buy the narrative or accept limitations.

These are the rule-breakers, the odd geniuses, the “quacks”, the whistle-blowers, the warriors. They exist, and have been present during every era of the human race. Their actions differed according to the times into which they arrived. But regardless, you have heard their names.

In most cases, they were silenced. Yet not every case, and their spirit lives on. Some of these people saw through the Matrix even to the skies.

There are drawings in your historical records that make no sense unless you understand that what you are looking at is a blueprint for a Reality Matrix.

Always there have been seers.

What happens now in your skies completes the take down so that there will be no unexpected hold-outs left. They will cause damage if they remain unchecked. This is why they are being removed.

It may be the case that some of this is captured and filmed. If so, know that it is showing the final stages of the battle – not the beginning.

There will be surprises on so many fronts my dear, dear human. So much in the realms of technology and Truth have been kept from you – shielded by the fabric of this false reality.

Trust that when the Truth is exposed and revealed, your life will proceed with joy and with ease. The chains of many thousands are being removed, and the release of that weight will create a sense of peace and comfort not felt within the race before.

You are in for such a treat, dear human. It will be worth every step taken.

Well done.

That is all.


Thank you.


*This is an earlier conversation and I do not know if these battles in the skies continue today, in August of 2024I have a sense that they do not.

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That's it for today!

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We are the Ones we've been waiting for. 



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