Friday, August 16, 2024

Buddha Channeled by Erena Velazquez Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces

I want to share today about the dragonflies. They were able to sense danger and communicate to each other through the Universal Consciousness without any communication devices in 🗽New York. An event happened when a large swarm of dragonflies invaded the 🏖️beach Westerly in Rhode Island, 🇺🇸United States. They were running for theirs lives, as the ⬛️Dark Entities tried to use an experimental odorless and invisible gas to test on the dragonflies in the 🌃New York state. As you can imagine, they used their awareness to escape from being experimented on and killed as a result of it.
It had nothing to do with them migrating to a different 🏞️location, the number of dragonflies flying together was much bigger than a typical migration and this occurred before their seasonal migration. The ⬛️Dark Ones plan was first to test this invisible and deadly ☣️gas on dragonflies, and then humans would be the next target. The weapon with odorless substance and the information explaining the process of making it, magically disappeared from the underground facility, so the experiment failed for now. 🛸Ashtar Command took care of it by using their technology to move safely and destroy the dangerous substance by not harming anyone.
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces
Puede ser una imagen de 4 personas, pájaro y libélula
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