Thursday, August 22, 2024

To calms your nerves, ease stress, bring relief & provide comfort..

Comfort, Ease & Assurance,

... all the way to the Event.  



Get your burning questions ready for this Sunday's free webinar Dear One ... because the higher:


  • perspective
  • awareness
  • knowing
  • comfort
  • ah-has
  • and good-ol` energy work know-how

... will get your joy, confidence & happy smile back on your face, lifting your frequency & generally keeping it there - to make your wait to the Event feel like a far shorter one... in yor personal experience.


And yes ... I'll be answering questions about the Li's, the Wongs and the Wangs ... this Sunday too!




(... Arcturians are NOT the politically 'correct' type)




... and why it's not a worry, (re: the grid-wars in California & China).


My main concern is you ... And keeping you healthy, active & happy, because you are needed, for the remainder of the journey! 


As far as that's concerned, users who've been playing the DE-Hypnosis Audio at low volume on their phone as they drift off to sleep each night ...



... have reported more calm, relief & comfort

in to their lives ...


which makes their journey to the Event so much easier.



Further more ...


I was a bit surprised to see that only 263 144k Members have gotten the

DE-Hypnosis Audio over the past 5 years...


That's a lot of - missing out - on big shifts, from this tool and its ...


unique, unaddressed,

hypnotic suggestions

not found anywhere else.



It's all about accessing the secrets to better living in the now (for greater ease & comfort, and alignment with your truest soul purpose... that shifts your timelines seamlessly into a better direction) in-spite of everything you're dealing with!


So see you this Sunday ... and don't forget to get your burning question ready :- )


Whether it's regarding your own personal Shadow Work ... or external Planetary Liberation.


Free registration link coming later today!



Yours In Service ...


The Unknown Lightwarrior 




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