Thursday, August 8, 2024

Sophia ~ The Lion's Gate Portal & something new

August 8th, 2024

Hello! Today is the 8-8-8 Lions Gate Portal.

I'd like to wish you abundance and expansion as we move into our next phase of awakening and transformation! I hope that your day today is magical and light filled.

To celebrate, I'm announcing the next book, which, for the first time, will be released along with additional products (think tee shirts, sweatshirts, hats, mugs, etc.).

Do you remember the term "The Builders" that One coined a while back? Well, that has inspired one reader to generously provide a beautiful image, and that image was expanded upon by Tom, my graphic artist. The end result is not quite ready yet, but here are some details...

The book is to be a compilation of answers from One to very specific questions, sort of an "AMA" (Ask Me Anything) piece that will include responses from these last several years to your questions as well as my own. One has asked for this book to be released during these coming months (before November is the current plan)

The artwork will personify the idea of "We are the Builders". What we are birthing is brand new, and will be fertilized and fortified by One's responses and concepts. We are seeding and growing from that rock solid foundation.

We ARE the Builders!

It is our hope that these ideas and images will bring home the idea that it is us who will build our new world. This book and these products will be a celebration of this unique moment in our collective history, and our contribution to it. They are just one more way to shine our collective light. A few words from One can be found below...

Please share this complimentary edition.

Thank you for all that you are, and all that you contribute to our world. You are awesome! More details about this project will be coming soon. I just wanted to share a bit of the excitement with you on this 8-8-8 portal!

With so much love and an abundance of light,


PS -When shopping on Amazon, using this link helps me out, and doesn't cost anything extra! (click here). Thank you!

Here's a bit of a conversation with One from two years ago, in 2022...

"It is the One.

Thank you.

Many things occur for you now. These concern the humans who surround you and occupy Earth. They occur at the behest of transformation. They occur with full expectancy of completion; completion of the cycle that you are in the midst of. The cycle is one of transformation, reformation, rejuvenation and evolution. The race now evolves, and it does so in real time."

~~~The Book Shop~~~

That's it for today!

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©2011-2024 Sophia Love All Rights Reserved. 

We are the Ones we've been waiting for. 


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