Friday, August 2, 2024

New Moon 144K Meditation Aug 4: Prep for Orion's Belt Alignment on Lions-Gate

August 4th New Moon 144K Meditation Times/Links are at the bottom.



As the usual "it's happening ... it's happening" bull-s#%@ distracts many Starseeds...


...too busy for playing the waiting game, the professional 144K operatives prepare their last strategic moves to ACTUALLY make it happen ... per the requests & orders passed down.


The focus on this New Moon is to prepare things for the Lion's Gate Event that peaks between Aug 8th to Aug 12th - in addition to visualizing what we want to happen & setting intentions.


This needs to be done pre-emptively by someone, otherwise 'unpleasant things' happen, mostly to Starseeds ... when Orion's belt starts to shadow earth & then 'clicks-into-place' with the Giza Pyramids on the 8th of August.



To ensure that any last remaining requirements for us - the 144K - are actualized & fulfilled for this critical stepping-stone out of slavery & into freedom ...


...removal & liberation of the connection between the Giza Pyramids (in the same grid formation as Orion's belt) must be dealt with this time.


The 144K has accepted this need & responsibility.


Because the New Moon & Lion's Gate Meditations are only 4 days apart, I will keep the New Moon Meditation shorter than normal.


But here's a little teaser of how important & action-orientated the next two Meditations will be: 


More coming ...


Start getting ready!




Yours In Service ...


The Unknown Lightwarrior 






August 4th - 2024

New Moon In Leo - Prep For Lion's gate 

144K Mass Meditation



Date: Aug 4th, 2024


Time: 6:30 AM EDT [US]


Your Timezone:


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Blog Talk Live Link: Click Here


Free Conference Call: 1-518-318-5638




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