Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Majestic Cryptohenians Channeled by Erena Velazquez Ambassador Galactic Light Forces

Majestic Cryptohenians 🛸♦️🌌🎆🪙🎆🌌♦️🛸
Greetings Humans,
We finally decided to communicate for the first time to your civilization. We are Majestic Cryptohenians from a distant Star System called Heliohen. We reside right now on one of the Stars named Setonersa, which is gigantic in a comparison to Earth.
We were hesitant to introduce ourself, as we are aware that humans have a tendency to question everything and don’t believe the facts. The word Majestic in our language means technologically and scientifically advanced it’s not the same as in your language. Yes, we are extremely intelligent race and are ahead in advancement compared to your planet over 1 million years. Our intellect comes from the Universal Consciousness. When other Galactic civilizations were having Galactic Longterm Wars, we stayed focused on our progress.
You can’t get easily to our Star System, because of a lot of debris floating around our homeland. Old stars die, and new ones are born. Setonersa is surrounded by a protective layer, so we don’t have to remove space debris around our planet. This keeps us safe from unwanted guests. We have technology that melts huge pieces of rubble in the same way as your ice cream melts, so our starships can easily pass through any space obstacles. We are 15 footers from 10th dimension, some of us live in the 7th or 8th dimension. They want to experience some challenges in their existence in a contrast to our realty.
We continue to progress and create more complex technological devices unseen by many Galactic Races. We don’t participate in any coalitions, as our preferences is not to get involved in any conflicts or participate in constant meetings. It doesn’t mean that we don’t care about on what is happening in the Cosmos, we are just in a different stage of development. Our desire is to concentrate on the scientific research and a peaceful coexistence between each other.
We move around a lot and have seen many unusual phenomenas such as a planet in the shape of a fish, a whole Universe in water, 1 inch tall beings who live inside plants, huge creatures, and etc. When we travel our mothership caries inside a small version of our home star Setonersa, so we can spend some time there and feel like we never left our home. Our homeland is full of beautiful plants, trees, flowers and etc. We don’t require food as humans. Our scientists developed a small pellet, which contain plants and flowers and we take one a day.
We love to keep mystery about ourselves. Our Motherships are big, we usually can be away from our world a long time for up 100 years. Our Civilization reached a point on what you call here on Earth a physical immortality. We can stay in our bodies as long as we want, unless we get tired and our souls decide to move to a new experience somewhere else in the Universe.
Your human civilization has a long way to go. First, you must decide as a Collective Consciousness on what do you want to do next, move to a higher dimension or stay in the same dimension. When you reach high frequencies, you are not going to be interested to go back to lower realities. We wish you good luck in your journey towards Ascension. You are going to need to unify as One to win your battle against the Darkness. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.
Stay tuned to the Cosmos
Majestic Cryptohenians
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Ambassador Galactic Light Forces


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